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  • MOF WIP 2.mp4




Since the last update I've chosen a new BGM, and finished 3 short scenes, please take a look at the one featuring Lisa here/see attachment. These scenes will be roughly 15-17 seconds long - which means,  Including the part used in the foreplay scene, around 1 minute of the 3m24s long song has been covered. Yeah I'll pick up the pace somehow...

In other news I've purchased voice packs from Ms. Mauve VA (@MissMauveVA) and LamiVA (@_LamiVA), mainly to take care of the deeper/sultry voices - from Koikatsu there's really only one personality that has a voice like that, and it's both boring and weird to have every girl sound the same, so I bought them. Good thing is that there were literally free, because YOU GUYS paid for it! 😈

So thank you again for your support, and have a nice week!

上一次更新之後,我把BGM換了,而且也完成了三個短幕,請在這裡/附件看麗莎的部份。短幕都是15-17秒的 - 把前戲的部份也計上的話,歌曲部份就已經做好了大約1分鐘的(BGM全長3分24秒)。會嘗試做快一點的...

此外我買了Ms. Mauve VA (@MissMauveVA) 和 LamiVA (@_LamiVA)的音聲pack, 主要是用來配低音/性感聲調的部份 - 戀活裡只有一個性格有類似的,而且所有女士們都有同一樣的聲線的話,感覺上很無聊和很奇怪,所以就買了。還好全都是免費的,因為是用你們的錢買的! 😈




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