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Buenos dias,

Thank you for voting in the poll! I forgot to set an end-time for it again...

The harem option had clearly won, so in the next video, Aether will be satisfying the needs of these 5 pretty ladies. However, the orgy option was actually not far behind during most of the voting period - so as such, I'm considering about making it a 2-part series again, similar to Onsen Rendezvous. But for now, with the character models sorted, I will be sorting out the audio tracks first. I think this time I want to make it a hybrid of voice lines + music/songs, and then obviously an alt. version with voice/music only will be available.

You might recognize the clothing is worn by Lumine in the doujin series "Mondstadt Hot Springs Festival (Act 2)" by VYCMa, and could guess what the general plot of the video might be already. These clothing mods in Koikatsu were created by 鼬鼠 (who has sadly deleted their Pixiv page already), with slight modifications from me.

Speaking of Koikatsu mods and stuff: for my highest tier Patrons, there is now (finally) a FAQ on using my scene data! It is located in the "Scene Data and clothing cards" folder on Mega. I'm sure that there are a quite few bugs/things that are not covered in it - so when you encounter any problems, please tell me so that we can figure out how to fix it.

Lastly, onto the personal stuff that delayed the release of Jade Chamber Gym: after a little drama, I was accepted and will be doing an Internship in Japan next year! This is honestly like a dream come true - and I will save the regret of being a wageslave in the Greater Tokyo Area for later (at least I'm will not be in Chiba thank god). For now, I don't think it will affect my work here too much - it's not like I do this full-time since the start anyways - but obviously I will inform you all if anything changes.

Thank you again for your support, and please have a nice week!


后宮的選項很明顯地是贏了 - 所以下一次的影片就是空哥大戰五美女了。但是亂交的票數一直都是跟得很緊的,所以我現在也在考慮要像溫泉密會那樣,做個兩部曲的。現在人物模型方面已經弄好,接著就是音軌了。這次我想要做語音+音樂混合一起的,差分裏當然就是能選不聽那一方面的。

我也許已經看得出,這些是VYCMa大佬所畫,"蒙德溫泉節(第二節)"裏螢妹穿的服裝 - 影片的故事應該也能想到了吧。戀活mod方面,這是鼬鼠大佬做的(很可惜,他已把他的刪掉了),我就改動了一點點。

說到戀活mod方面: 最高級的支持者們,現在(終於)有一個關於Scene Data的常見問題解答部份了!是在Mega 上"Scene Data and clothing cards"文件夾裡的。應該還有很多東西沒有涵蓋在內的 - 所以有任何問題的話,請來問我能如何幫忙一下。

最後就是想說一下,導致"群慾閣健身室"延遲發布的原因:經過一小段風波之後,我下一年要去日本做實習了!這確實像是夢想成真 - 而後悔在東京都市圈內當社畜的話,還是留給未來的我吧(還好不是要去千葉的)。暫時來看,這對這裡的作業方面不會有太大的影響 - 反正現在我也不是全職的去做 - 有甚麼改動的話,當然還是會跟大家說的。




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