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DM me if you have any questions! Lova you all, and Help Someone Smile Today!



I love that you get distracted by random bird calls as well. X> That's absolutely valid dude. I'm proud of ya going in a direction you can manage and also more importantly, have fun in too. Looking forward to whatever content you provide and glad you are enjoying your job so much. <3


Different is ok. You're making the right decision for you, and ultimately that's what matters. Burn out is real, and taking a step to manage work-life balance is a good thing. People are drawn to your passion through Adler. I think a reimagination of how your work is structured will go along way in helping you find that love and passion again without breaking your back to keep all the pieces held up. Much love and support, always <3


Adler, believe me when I say that trying to balance a full-time job along with creating content is a big time challenge. I'm not able to do as many YouTube livestreams as I once was, and whatever downtime I have I'm dedicating toward creating parodies for the MLP fandom or going to events. So I know EXACTLY what you are going through right now. But I still support you and I know you are making a solid decision here. Best of luck with everything and look forward to whatever comes next!


That is understandable, Looking forward to seeing what other ideas you have in the future. Always love what you do with your content! animations, fursuit stuff, Speedfuns and more! It's ok to take a break from things cause of more important matters, Take the time you need Adler, still gonna be supportive on your patreon. You do you! do what makes you happy! Good luck on your job! And thanks for helping us smile today! <3 Also love the birds singing in the background!


Of course will continue to support (dear God! Changes! The world is at an end!). Seriously, best of luck with your new job. Will see You on Telegram.


Yo nice dynamic range tho 👀


I think you were one of the first servers I joined and at around the same time I joined discord. Your upbeat and welcoming personality is joy to experience. Whatever future endeavors you take on, know we got your back. I’m glad I’ve got to know you and Blazen both in and outside the server. Cant wait to see what’s in store for you, birdo. Thank you Adler for helping us smile today and everyday, till we all meet again💜❤️


Wishing you all the best! 🦊💙


I'm so glad thinks are getting that well for you, it has been a huge pleasure to support your content! You really inspired me a lot to focus on why I wanted to do what I do and is because we want to make people happy and spread smiles over the world! You're a great birb!