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Welcome to the Tuesday To-Do! This is an Update I do every Tuesday for you all! So in the words of my good friend Mario, Letsago.


I'm a little behind schedule this week, mainly because after we got back from West Virginia I was SO EXHAUSTED I took most of the next day off.  On Sunday I had Cincinnati Tradition rehearsal all morning so that didn't exactly help either, but I am picking up the slack today and yesterday!

So let's dissect what this all means!


Been working very hard on this, mainly because with our move coming up it's hard to plan for the Fire Safety video, more on that later. This week has been dedicated to the Alien! They are a much simpler rig than Bug, so it hasn't been nearly as tedious, but it's looking good! Very Noodley!

Working on this Project has really helped me learn new things, which is also a large part of what inspires me! Thanks for being so patient and excited to see this animation!

This week I need to finally listen to the song that Blazen's brother recorded for it, It's Metal so that is where the whole joke comes from, as well as start the Crab Rig, THEN it's onto Layout, which is always SO FUN YAY! (It's not) Layout is that part where you take the rigs and put um in each shot and realize your rig sucks and you have to fix a bunch of stuff!

I have attatched what is completed of the alien rig thus far!


Because of the Move we have been holding off on this, I have a lot of sets and things I want to build and it is silly to get too involved in the Fire Safety video at this point, Also one of our mods was severely affected by a fire very recently, and it feels insensitive to make jokes about the topic right now. I will talk to them and make sure everything is okay before continuing work, if anything we will re-theme the episode in a way that will still work with all of your skits! (Don't worry I am the king of swing)

All of the Laserdisc B-Roll came in this week! It is SO GOOD.

I also purchased a Physical ROB because our Robot Moderator on Livestreams is named ROB and I felt I needed one. I am going to be printing out every name of every patron and putting is on his bottom! now YOU are a part of ROB forever! I also plan on having him be a character in the videos, so it all works out!

It's thanks to you guys that I am able to get props and things like this for the channel, so thank you!

The Blazen rig is ALSO in progress, albeit a lot less progress than the Metal Detector ones.

Roller Coaster Tycoon

RCT is going well as always! We finally beat Adrenaline Heights and our lovely Mod MIkeh donated 300 Dollars to Give Kids the World to have me play it again! Speaking of this, if you ever want to donate to GKTW to have me replay a hard scenario in the future PLEASE DO, I know I joke about how TERRIBLE AND HARD the scenarios are, but for real I would love more people to do this kind of joke! It helps so many families in need of a good laugh and break. :} 

Roll Fur Initiative

We Leveled up in Roll Fur this week! YAY! Itchy can now use Dimension door! Please consider watching the show live on Sundays via Beebs Twitch or listening to the Podcast form at https://rollfur.show/ !

Mental Wellbeing

Blazen and I's trip was a much needed break, it really brought us closer together and made life seem a little more normal. My Legs are sore still but it's WORTH IT. This week I felt a little off my game, I'm really tired and I think Seasonal Effectiveness is starting to take hold, I have always struggled with it even though I like the winter.

Had a wonderful Virtual hang with friends on Saturday, and heard some bad news about a friend going through a rough time as of late.

I am very excited to get moved into the new house, which is LOOKING promising as of the moment. We have a lot of plans for it and having a new larger space will help. We haven't had a good space for recording videos since the Muncie house, and I am ready to finally be in a more permanent situation.

Rehearsal for CT went well, but boy am I Rusty! Also going from Trombone to Baritone is WAY EASIER than I previously thought

Also I think I may be getting actually ill as well, My head hurts pretty bad today and my throat and sinuses hurt.

I may toss together a little video of Blazen and I skiing if I have a chance, Maybe just for Twitter and Insta!

Now onto Week 4!

No real plans for the weekend other than hanging with a local friend for their Borthday! I may also try to get parts ordered for my Mini Cooper, it's leaking oil and that's NO GOOD!

I want to find ways to involve patrons more in my content, and I have a few cool ideas! More on that later.

Work will continue on the Metal Detector as previously mentioned.

I need to Injest the Laserdisc footage and start making interstitials, which is a sentence I have said in 2020. I will be sure to upload that footage for you all here! It's a HECKING VIBE.

And honestly that is all I can think of at the moment!

Keep being amazing, you all have changed my life and I am so lucky to be able to make this silly stuff, so thank you, and I love you. Kisses your on the forehead.

Help Someone Smile Today!




YAY ROB! ,,, birrrrd! No getting sick!... Unfortunately a bish to fix oil leak is why i traded away my mini a few years ago, I wish you luck on fixing yours!


How was snowshoe? Good skiing?