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We have a special Flowerbed in the Front of the house that will not be in the video because TBH I just don't need every furry seeing the front of our house, but ya'll are special, so I will make a separate video for you!

Comment your links to flowers here! No need to send in a tip!

ALSO flowers ONLY for this one!

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Blue bellflowers!


Or any kind of blue flower tbh

Tyler Furlong

Definitely forget me nots


Stargazer Lillies! They're my boyfriend's favorite :) They grow from bulbs, so here's an example: https://www.amazon.com/Stargazer-Oriental-Lilies-12-Bulbs/dp/B01CF061ZK/

Kayne Ein

https://www.amazon.com/Jasmine-Indoor-Outdoor-Herbal-Flowers/dp/B018JBCF04 Jasmine flowers are my mom's favorite ❤️ so I would love to dedicate it to her


What kind of flowers are you looking for though? If you are looking for annuals I'd say snap dragons. Perennials and I'd say giant irises or bleeding heart.




Gotta grow some ghost peppers so you can do another pepper eating video this summer 😂


We recently had to put down our dog Lilly, and when she was a puppy she would eat the tiger lillies in our back yard. (Pure coincidence, I swear.) It would mean a lot to me if you could plant some in memory of her. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FWXBCY6/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_snetEb96RJ1J8

Revamp Skunk

Any kind of lily would be fantastic!


blue star flowers ^v^


I don't have flowers to show but congratulations on the flower bed


I really like sunflowers! https://www.swallowtailgardenseeds.com/annuals/sunflowers/procut-orange-excel-sunflower-seeds.html


Camellias would be a wonderful choice! A nice mix of white and red ones https://www.ftd.com /blog/share/camellia-meaning-and-symbolism


Daffodils. I'm growing some right now and they're turning out great ^3^


Hey adler gets some irisis. They are easy to maintain they bring butterflies and other natural insects. And iris in Greek mythology is the goddess of rainbow. So I think iris would be a great flower to put in the garden ^w^ https://greenseedgarden.com/product/20pcs-bonsai-iris-flower-perennia-flower-seeds-rare-flower-seeds-bearded-iris-seeds-nature-plants-orchid-flower-diy-for-garden/?wmc-currency=USD&gclid=Cj0KCQiAs67yBRC7ARIsAF49CdUNIKQPTmZ6IWbLghigxAjJf9xLuvtjehaEIQv74fFGe42XgxcYlTsaAtDNEALw_wcB


I recommend Marigold. It’s a flower used in most Latin American cultures. French Marigold Sparky Mix Seeds, Over 5,000 Seeds by Seeds2Go https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DT98LQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3kjtEbRP7GJ0T


Some nice Alliums or possibly shasta daisies