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Hey Everyone, I will be taking a little break from full-time content creation for the next few weeks to help my mental health, recharge my batteries and refocus the channel.

With the move and other factors I feel it best to focus and have some Foster time for a bit.

Here's a more in-depth explanation of what is going on 


Help Someone Smile Today 



take all the time you need adler


Do what you have to do, your own health is more important. Best of luck to you and Blazen for the move!


If I may address you directly, Foster, I just want to say how brave it is for you to put this out there. Reading your post hit me HARD, as I can relate to so much of what you said. This past year you've worked so incredibly hard to create content that so many of us have enjoyed, but none of that matters in comparison to you and your health. Taking a step back and realizing how unhealthy certain things are and seeking help to fix them is the SCARIEST thing! But you're making so many good decisions right now for yourself. You do so much to make others smile, but it's ok if you need help from somebody else so that you can smile again. I only briefly bumped into you at MFF Thursday night and expressed how inspirational you are to me, and this decision solidifies that for me further. Sure, it's inspiring to see someone put together wholesome content to make others happy. But it's also inspiring to hear somebody express themselves as you have here. It's inspiring for someone to share vulnerabilities and fears. You have a lot of people in your life already that want you to be happy and thrive, and you deserve to live your journey to the fullest. Much love, Foster. You'll get better < 3


Foster, if it's ok if i call you that your mental and physical health are a very important thing that you shouldn't ignore, i really do hope that you'll be fine and this all turns out well for you, and i hope that you never find yourself in this place again you now more than ever need to know that you are just as important as the character you portray. I give my best of luck to you and Blazen in Cincinnati and if you're reading this i hope this gave you hope and made YOU smile. 👍


Thank you so much for sharing this with us and being so open. I know how challenging that can be. Taking care of yourself and your health is what is most important, we will still be here to support you when you are ready. I am also experiencing many of the burnout symptoms you are describing, so I understand all to well the importance of taking a step back to recharge and reevaluate. I wish you all the best, take care! <3


I wish you the best. Ohio is a great place to live. I know you'll find happiness on your own terms :)

Dandy Cupcake

Foster, Thank you for letting us know. I’m shocked that you made it this long without taking any breaks or a hiatus. I hope that MFF helped you smile some or at the very least wasn’t too stressful for you. Please take any and all the time you need to rest up and feel better and if we can at all help you, you’ve helped us smile plenty. We can help you smile s’more too! Please let us know. You’re a good fella and you’ve done so much for everyone. I’m so sorry that you’re feeling so stressed and burnt. If you ever wanna talk, I’ll be here for you. We all will be. See you after January. Dandy


You should never feel beholden to us or like our slave for content. You need to care for yourself! If you dont have your health then what do you have? I'm glad you are taking the time to get yourself squared away. I'm sure you will be back and better than ever in no time! I didn't realize you were in such a tough situation in terms of your local social situation. I see your content and I guess I just kind of assumed you were in an accepting area for some reason. As a person who really isn't out at all and will probably need to just leave my home area when I do finally come out I understand what it's like to not feel accepted. It disturbs me to see when other people are in a similar situation because I know what it's like. You and Blazen are wonderful people and a wonderful couple and there is no good reason you shouldn't be able to live life as you please. Just know that you are not alone in that struggle and I hope you can soon find a local community that will support, love, and encourage you for who you are! Rest up! You deserve to smile too you know!


Finally got a chance to read this in full and just wanted to let you know, I’ve been here, more than once. I’m a furry writer and I’ve burnt myself out plenty of times trying to keep myself working, even on top of having a full time job at the same time. Sometimes it’s best to take a break from the things you used to enjoy so you can recharge the energy to enjoy them again. Also, I’m not a psychiatrist so take what I say next with a grain of salt, but it sounds like this stress and anxiety may be leading to depression, which is what I got diagnosed with when I was going through the same sort of stress and burnout that you described. Therapy will definitely help, provided you find one that’s right for you (I think some may even offer legit licensed services via webcams online nowadays). In addition to therapy prescribed meds will help too. Seriously though Foster, at this point, you’re health and mental wellbeing comes first before your content. Take some time away from the animation and YouTube, focus on some of the things in your life you feel you’ve been neglecting, and take care of yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to, my Discord is always open.