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Hey Everyone it's Adler the Eagle! And Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you spend time today with your family or loved ones and have some yummy food!

Every year my family makes egg roles and they were so good this year! We made vegan ones for my sister which were even better than the ones we normally make!

We also went out to the restaurant Blazen works at and had adult beverages!

It was all very fun!

What family traditions do you all have? I love hearing about them, leave a comment below!

I'm also super thankful for ALL OF YOU, without you and your love and support I wouldn't be able to make the animations I do, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here and helping me grow as an artist and as a person!

Thanks a whole heckin bunch, and Help Someone Smile today!


Dandy Cupcake

Happy thanksgiving to you too. Glad you’ve enjoyed your day Adler! 👍


Sounds delightful. Would love to buy you an adult beverage next weekend if it's in the cards!


Making apple pie before Thanksgiving


At the moment I'm at my cousin's house celebrating her birthday


happy thanks giving adler! ^v^


How wonderful! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I always make a chocolate pUndignified pie for our family get-together. In the past I have made it using jello chocolate pudding and cool whip, but I decided to make it completely from scratch this year and that was the best decision ever. So delicious!


happy thanks giving adler. my family tradition in the past used to be me and my family going to my grandmas house and me eating before every one else, but things change so our family tradition this year is just staying home and eating with my family and chilling with my brother and his wife but its just a calm and relaxing tradition


That’s lovely! We don’t have Thanksgiving here in Europe (we’re miserable old gits!) but on the very same day, I went back to the game studio I used to work at and joined them for their Christmas dinner/party. They really are like family to me, and I really appreciate all of them <3


Happy Thanksgiving! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving but we do have this small cookoff where we see who can make the best dish! (PS: I didn't win but it was a lot of fun!)