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Hey Everyone it's Adler!

First off, I am very excited to announce that for the entire month of November every patron above Adler Advocate will be getting a Holiday Card! E-mails should have gone out about it, and if you have any questions about the address situation please PM me here on Patreon!

But what does that mean for you people who have been here for like a year or something? WELL HAVE I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU TOO!

If you refer a friend to the Patreon (Any Tier) I'll include an exclusive sticker that OrlandoFox drew to you and your friend as well! (Stickers Below) These aren't available anywhere else, so refer a buddy!

If you refer someone please PM here on Patreon their name and have them PM your name so I can verify it! (Limited to three friends, if you get more than three I'll send ya something else!)

I'm very excited to be am embarking on my second year of being full time, and without you guys and all your support I couldn't do any of this crazy stuff, so THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY BIRD HEART!

Help Someone Smile Today!



Should I have received a separate email than the one I got from this post? If that's the case I don't have it


Omg! Orlando Fox art is such a treat!