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Yo, It's Adler!

Thank you everyone who took the Survey! It has helped me so much in knowing what everyone likes and wants to see more of! 


So I'm really excited to announce that Episode 10 of Adler Animates will be about the Holiday Season!

I am working on the script now, but look forward to Adler Actor Roles coming around here in the next week or so!

Speaking of the Holiday Season, I am going to be doing a special offer that will start on November first! All 5 dollar patrons and up will be getting a cool Holiday Card with a doodle on it! (I gotta get going on these LOL) Information on that will be dropping on NOVEMBER 1st! So please wait until then to get the info on how to receive your card!

The Halloween Special will be dropping very soon! And a Blooper Reel will be up for 10 dollar patrons and up on Halloween! (It's REALLY good this time we have some BAD mess ups)

I will also be attending MFF this year, and if you are going I can't wait to meet you! We will be having a patron dinner/lunch on one of those nights as well as a meet and greet! (And hopefully we will actually get our food this time!) More information will be available in the next few weeks as well as a a vote on the time!

We have a LOT OF HUGE PROJECTS coming soon, and I am very excited to embark on what I am going to call "Adler's Year of Improvement and Animation" (AYOIAA for short)

thank you all for your support, and I hope to meet and see you soon!

Help Someone Smile Today!


Tyler Furlong

Sounds like fun!! Had a great time at the lunch at ac! Looking forward to this one!