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Yup, we doin it again boys.

August 19th 10 AM EDT on YouTube.

The response was OVERWHELMING for the first one back in march, and we said we would do it again if we hit the goal (Which we did by two times)


This time we are not going to be pushing donations, it's more to show all of our supporters we love you and could not do any of this without you!

We are also going to be reading from the Ask Adler section of Discord on this day, that way you don;t have to donate if you are already a patron! (If you still wanna have us switch and stuff you can still do that through super chat and donations!)

We are VERY excited and also very nervous for the second installment in this stupid series. why did we even think of doing this in the first place. OOF.

Thanks all again, and Help Someone Smile Today!




Looking forward to it. Speed runs can be fun and terrifying. But looking forward to it and good luck!