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Hello Everyone! It's that special time again where we all get together and get ready for the casting call!

So how this works is I will post what Adler Actors Parts we have in this post, Read through them and decide which part you would like to try and get!

The actual callout will post SATURDAY AT 2:00 PM EST 

You will need to comment on that post with the top two parts you would like!

It is first come first serve, and will only be open to Adler Actors! I will go through later and figure out who got which parts by the order commented!

This episode is VERY HEAVY in voice acting, and will more than likely require a recording session through Discord! If voice acting isn't your thing I would recommend waiting for December's episode!

If you don't get a part this time, don't worry! There will be plenty more episodes!

Also note, for the episodes we need HIGH QUALITY AUDIO, So if you don't have a very good microphone, please let me know and Sor and I will work with you on how to get the best out of your Microphone situation!

So here are the parts we have available!

---> Mom of Brian 1 <---

*A Mom, at a restaurant with son and Adler*

 Mom - “It’s okay honey I got the bill”

---> Brian One <---

*A Roommate of Adler, Big and likes sports and milk*

Brian One - “Hey Adler, wanna play Smash Bros?”

Adler - “Uh, YEAH!”


Adler - “Dude, is this too much milk?”

Brian One - “Pfft, there’s no such thing as too much milk, Adler. No. Such. Thing.” 

 ---> Brian Three <---

 *A Roommate of Adler, Slow speaking, a Hippie of sorts* 

 Brian Three - “Hey man, so like, there's a frozen hot pocket in the freezer, can I eat it?”

Adler - “Yea that’s fine”

Brian Three - “ Aww Sweet, thanks my dude ”


Brian Three - “Hey man there’s like a half a frozen pizza in the fridge can I...”

Adler - “You can have some”

Brian Three - “Aww Sweet, thanks my dude”


Brian Three - “Hey Man, there’s a completely untouched birthday cake on the counter here that says “Happy Birthday Adler” Can I have some of…”

Adler - “Yes Brian Three you can eat my birthday cake”

Brian Three -“Aww Sweet, Thanks my dude”

*Adler at the Table*

Brian Three - "Oh Also! I found this wrapped up box on the porch, it has your name on it but can I have it?”

*Adler At the Table*

I'm super excited for this one, and best of luck on Saturday!

Love Adler


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