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Might have gotten carried away with this finale, and it might be the longest post I've made in a while here! Check it out to see this festival day end with a bang!


Heading over to the jousting arena for the last show of the day, our grumbling stomachs convinced us to pay for the VIP seats because they came with a turkey leg and a full mug of beer. The arena was a wide oval of dirt with about a dozen long rows of benches on one side, and while the seats were free, they were also directly in the sun. On the other side, there was a castle facade with gates at the bottom where the jousters would enter. Above that on the second floor, there were three rows of benches under an awning, and I didn’t care if the fans above us were powered by some crank or electricity- I was just glad that they were there.

As we devoured our turkey legs, we caught up on what we’d missed in each other’s solo adventures. Adam was slowly coming to terms with the possibility of his new found fame. He’d chased after the guy earlier and gotten him to delete the video, but by then, it had almost definitely been saved and reposted in other places. Now we just got to tease him for possibly finding out that he might be turned on by getting spanked.

“Shut up, she was hot, and the guy holding me down was hot, and there were just so many eyes on me.” Robert almost choked on his beer again as he started laughing. “And don’t get me started on you, you’re the one who got naked all on your own!”

He stopped laughing at that, but that just let them both turn towards me.

“And what about you? You’re the one who’s been going commando because some guy with a beard winked at you?”

I just winked right back as I finished tearing off the last bite of meat from my turkey leg, letting the grease drip down my face.

“Do you have another napkin?”

“Sorry, someone over here already stole half of the stack.”

I was about to just wipe my mouth on my arm, but that’s when I saw Owen, the owner of the kilt store grabbing one of the free seats right in front of us. He was waving at a few people that he knew, and then looking up at our seats, we locked eyes. That’s when I knew exactly what I could use as a napkin. Reaching down to grab the hem of the kilt, I pulled the thick fabric up to my mouth to wipe off the grease, and I enjoyed the breeze that came with it. My friends didn’t notice what I was doing, but Owen and the rest of the people around him sure did as I flashed my dick to everyone in eyesight.

Putting it back down, there was a small smattering of applause that spread throughout the arena as people mistakenly thought that the jousting had begun. In reality, I had been the show. Owen gave me a wink and sat down, making sure to spread his legs as well. Luckily for us, we wouldn’t be the only ones exposed by the end of this show.


“I cannot believe you- again?”

“Listen, it’s not that big of a deal, I-”

“Not that big of a deal. That’s my fiancé that you were flirting with out there!”

“It was just flirting, man.”

I was ready to swing on this guy when our boss thankfully came in the room.

“Pipe down in here- I’m sure the crowd upstairs can hear you.” He stared us both down until we headed to opposite ends of the room. “Now, suit up and get ready- we’re opening the gates in one minute.”

I wanted to finish our conversation, but Noah was already out the door and heading over to the stables. Waiting a bit more to calm down, I followed him to get my horse ready. We’d been doing this show together all season, but today might be the last day for this partnership after finding him trying to corner my fiancé. He luckily hadn’t reciprocated at all, but that didn’t quell my rage against Noah.

Mac was counting down for us now, and we both got onto our horses as we led them to our respective gates. This was all muscle memory by now which let me focus on my plan. There were the intros and the entry of the royal family up in the center booth. They were already drunk by now since it was their third show of the day, so I wouldn’t have to worry about one of them interfering. No, everything was set up just like I wanted it as we got stationed for our first pass, lances pointed in front of us.

As the horn blew, we charged towards each other, and right before Noah reached me, I veered out of the way giving him the point. The crowd cheered at that, but I knew that I could make them cheer louder.

Getting set up again, we charged once more, and it should have been a similar script, but I was going off book. Noah was new this year, but I’d been doing this for close to a decade so I was almost a master. I was able to hold my lance at just the right angle to let it snag at one of the billowing sleeves of his tunic, and I heard the sound of ripping fabric right before the applause drowned out everything else.

Spinning around, I pretended to be shocked like everyone else, but I was too far for Noah to really see my facial expressions. I could see the blush spreading across his face though all the way over there… but I wanted to make that even worse.

He was playing to the crowd now to cover his embarrassment, flexing his impressive muscles and riding his horse close to the front row for their reactions. I played it safe, shrugging my shoulders and acting like I had no idea what happened. It was time for one last pass, and I had to make this one count. Setting up my lance again, I watched as Noah began to focus. All of our shows were scripted- of course they were. Today’s script called for him to place his lance into the small, hidden cone under my left leg, and I’d then flip off of my horse. I had no problem losing this battle… as long as I won the war.

Backing up to the fence, I spurred my horse on just as Noah spurred his…


What the fuck was Grant doing?

I’d been flirting with a man earlier- I won’t deny that, but I had no idea that he belonged to my coworker! I backed away, but Grant was furious. I mean, I’d flirted with brother last month when he came to visit, but they at least looked different!

And now… now my shirt was ripped to pieces in the dirt. I just had to finish this one last pass, and then I’d be able to ride through the gate. As we charged at each other, I aimed my lance just so, and I was too focused to see that Grant was aiming his as well. We both made our targets, but it took a few seconds for me to realize.

Grant was lying in the dirt after somersaulting off of his horse, and my arms were up in the air flexing once again. The crowd was practically screaming my name, and as I made my first pass around the arena, I realized that they were. Some of the people that worked here looked frantic as they yelled at me, and finally, I looked down to realize what had went wrong. Well, two things had gone wrong.

The first disaster was that Grant’s lance had somehow snagged my pants and tugged them right off of half of my body. The other catastrophe was that I’d decided to go commando this morning. Spilling out of the ruins of my pants, my cock was visible to everyone in the crowd. Jumping down from my horse, I prepared to run to safety, but as I did, the last bit of fabric covering me snagged on the saddle on the way down.

Naked. I was now completely and totally naked in front of hundreds of people, and I had no choice but to run, desperately trying to cover my muscular ass and growing cock with only my hands.


“I still can’t believe he just rode around naked- do you really think he didn’t know that he’d been stripped?”

“There’s no way to know with that guy. Noah is a notorious flirt at this festival.”

Owen had met up with us after the show, and he’d shown us to an employee entrance right behind the arena that opened up coincidentally in front of the row where we’d parked. I could see Adam’s car from here, and I imagined sitting in it with the AC at full blast.

“Oh wait, my clothes- I forgot that they’re still at your shop.”

“Don’t worry about that- I’ll bring them to you tonight when we meet up for dinner.” He was passing me a business cart that he had in the pouch around his waist as leaned in close. “But I need to get this kilt to the cleaners first.”

It had taken him almost a minute to fasten the kilt around my waist, but it only took a him a few seconds to pull it off. Standing there half-naked, he just winked at me as he closed the gate behind him.

“What the fuck?”

Robert was already laughing before I broke into a run, trying to hold my shirt low enough to cover my ass. The car had seemed so close seconds ago, but it seemed a mile away as I ran now. Thank fuck that Owen was that handsome or else I would have thrown his business card as soon as I ran. Luckily for him, I’d be calling as soon as I was dressed again just to let him undress me fully this time…



Woof! Naked on a horse! Embarrassing!!!