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Hello there,

This comic is adapted from a 1940's Fritzi Ritz strip and the attitude towards weight may seem a little dated. If I were to post this on IG or TikTok, I'm sure I'd be cancelled for 'body-shaming'. 

But weight gain/loss is a real issue that I'm currently dealing with - I recently lost a few pounds due to illness and I'm desperately trying to put the weight back on, (but in all the right places) so I can totally relate to this 80 year old comic :)

Also, I'm wearing my new hotpants in this strip - they're surprisingly comfortable, so expect to see more of them this month :)

Right, back to the fridge/yoga mat 🧘‍♂️

Totty x




i should try that exercise next

Jack Cotton

Hope they were tasty Lego pieces!