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Hello there,

Quick health update: My Covid/flu infection has returned with a vengeance - I now have a bad chest infection and I'm currently on antibiotics. Fun times :(

This is making it very difficult to shoot new comics but I don't like to be defeated, so I've unearthed some unused test photos from Queen Of The Sea and used them to cobble together this retro game-themed comic.

I'm also planning to live-stream some retro games when I hit 1000 followers on Youtube, (and when my cough has cleared up!) so if you aren't already subscribed, please join me today. It would really cheer me up. Thank you :)

Here's the link... https://youtube.com/@ABitOfTotty

Snotty x




Hope you a speedy recovery Totty! You got this! :)

Jack Cotton

Please look after yourself first T! Your health first