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Hello there!

I must apologise again for the lack of posts this week. I had plans for a couple of New Year-themed comics, but I've not been able to shoot any new photos. I'm still feeling rotten, even after two weeks - my temperature is up and down and I've developed a bad cough. This flu is relentless! 

I am able to work on my iPad in bed, so I'm writing and drawing backgrounds - once I'm up and about again I should be able to put these new comics together fairly swiftly.

In the meantime, here's a pin-up that didn't quite make it into the calendar. The outfit was too similar to another image and I wasn't too happy with the pose... but it's all I have to show you at the moment, so here it is!

Totty x



Nico Feria

One hell of a pinup!


You’re so hot 😭