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Sorry for the lack of posts this week - I'm still feeling rather rotten. Here's a short compilation video I put together a couple of weeks ago - it features a panel from every comic I made this year.

None of this would have been possible without my Patrons. Thank you so much for all your messages, kind comments and continuing support. You've kept me afloat this year and I hope you'll stick around in 2024.

I have big plans... Phase 2 of the Tottyverse is about to begin :)

Tots x


A Bit Of Totty - A Year Of Totty 2023

#highlights2023 #lookback #abitoftotty Here's a look back at the comics I created in 2023 - as you can see it's been a busy year! None of this would have been possible without the generous support from my Patrons. If you'd like to help me make more comics in 2024, please consider supporting me on Patreon - link below :) Join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ABitOfTotty



Love it totty ❤️

Jack Cotton

Hope you feel better soon. See you in the new year 💜