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Hello there!

Black Friday seems to have arrived early in the UK, so here's an early look at a comic I'll be posting on my socials later this week.

I've been wanting to draw a panoramic single panel comic for a while now - these work particularly well on Instagram where you can scroll along the panel - and a bunch of rioting shoppers seemed like a perfect opportunity to try it :)

I'm not completely happy with the punchline... perhaps my pose isn't quite working? Nevertheless, it was fun drawing lots of angry ladies!

Tots x




I think the punchline is fine! How about, "Sometimes you gotta really 'rip' through a crowd for a bargain!"


Damn you’re looking fine! And I think the panoramic comic is a cool idea.


Ooooh, that's good Fernando! Much better than my line :) I was struggling to communicate the idea of a 'which came first, the chicken or the egg' scenario - the only reason I need a new dress is because I went out shopping during a riot to buy a new dress... it's a weird endless loop and it melts my brain!🧠


Thank you blakjak - I'm getting used to wearing torn clothes - it might be new look for me :) I think more panoramic panels could be fun! T x