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Hello there,

I've been working on the D&D comic strip for the last few days - it's taking me a little longer than expected due to the extra background details and bits of animation, but it's almost done and should be completed later this week :)

Here are some preview panels - there's lots of sneaking around, some slithery tentacles and it wouldn't be Dragon's Dungeon without a fearsome, fire-breathing dragon🐲🔥

Also, you may have noticed a new Collections tab at the top of my Patreon page - here you'll find everything arranged into separate sections, so now it's easier to search through old posts and find what you're looking for :)

Totty x




Is it gonna burn your clothes or something lol? Still though this is your most impressive comic to date!


Something similar maybe :) Thank you! It's a bit of a departure from my usual comics and possibly too time-consuming, but I've had a lot of fun making it :) T x


Great artwork as usual!