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Here's a strip I made a while ago - I've been reluctant to post it because I'm not quite sure if it fits with my other comics.

My original concept for 'A Bit Of Totty' was to create a black and white comic with a 1930s style, featuring myself as a live-action Betty Boop type character. In those early cartoons, every inanimate object had a face and a personality. This comic was written with that in mind - hence the talking flower in the final panel.

I had plans for a talking dog sidekick, a petulant phone and a wise-cracking car, but in the end, I thought it was all a bit too cartoony. It's a style I'm still really keen on though - perhaps I should revisit the idea with a spin-off character...

T x



Nico Feria

I absolutely think this should be a spin-off character! That sounds so fun!


Yeah I can see what you mean, I think that idea could be explored in a spooky tale or Totty falls into another dimension tale like a wizard of oz ending debating did it happen or did Totty just dream of it :)