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Good morning!

Every Sunday I aim to post a single panel comic - it's a nice little full stop that marks the end of one week and the start of a new one.

This week's Sunday Single is adapted from a classic 1950 Mopsy comic and features a wonderfully witty line written by Gladys Parker. 

Phrases have evolved over the years and I suppose these days we'd be more likely to call someone a 'sore loser' - but then the joke wouldn't work!

Have a peaceful Sunday - relax, play some card games and always aim to be a rich winner.

Totty x




Do you find the one panel comics more relaxing than a full comic strip? Or are they about the same in terms of enjoyment in drawing them?


Yes, they are quite relaxing to work on - nice and quick to make compared to the strips. I think sequential comic strips are more satisfying though. They offer more opportunities for world building and adding little twists and turns to the narrative :) Which do you prefer?


I do enjoy multiple paneled strips for the same reasons you listed, world-building and room for fun details. However, I also really like simple one-off jokes you can put in one panel. For example: I love the Simpsons cartoon (in earlier seasons) because of their writing and long form humor. However, I also like the couch gag they do at the beginning of every episode, simple and short, y’know? I love both, but I might favor the sequential strips a tiny bit more.


Yes, I feel the same. I guess it depends what mood you're in. I love Gary Larson's work - he managed to build a vibrant world of his own with single panels. I suppose daily three panel comics are somewhere in the middle. It's an endlessly fascinating art form and I could geek out about it all day :)


I totally agree! I love making and talking about comics, such a vast landscape for fun ideas!