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Hello there,

I'm so sorry for the radio silence for the last few days - I usually aim to post three or four times a week but I've been slightly derailed by ill health recently. I won't bore you with the unpleasant details, but I've been dealing with a nasty infection and I've lost about 12 pounds. I've been trying to shoot some new comics over the last few days but they didn't really work out. I don't feel particularly glamorous at the moment - my clothes are hanging off me. In fact I look pretty awful :(

So, what I can I post? Well, here's another unused pose from 'Frozen Assets' to keep things rolling. After this, I'm not sure what to do... I've been drawing lots of background panels and I have several comics sketched out, (they currently look like Invisible Totty comics 🕶) but I'm afraid it may be a few more days before I can get back in front of the camera to complete them.

I've also had to temporarily hide posts on my social media accounts - most of my old comics contained panels advertising Patreon, so I don't want to attract new followers and mislead anyone.

I'm sorry for this annoying interruption. It's frustrating when real life gets in the way. I feel very lucky to have Patron supporters and I don't take anything for granted. I've been feeling very stressed about letting you down. Hopefully everything will be back on track by the end of May. I've got lots of plans for summer-themed comics and pin-ups, so please bear with me if you can.

Totty x




Hopefully you're not stressing too much! Would rather wait so we can have a healthy Totty! Hoping you feel better soon

Chris Chesher

we all get ill for time to time, don't worry about it. take your and come back stronger. we'll still be here. x