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Very nice idea, grungy almost steampunk cybernetics and classic goblin lack of forethought


So the core idea for me ha goblins. They are not cowards, they think they are kings of all existing realms. Once, they get somewhere warforged creation technology and as they are not very good in it, they mixed it with goblins shamanic skills. They don’t use beautiful glowing crystals for their magic or rituals, pure stones with carved runes is enough. They replace animals brains with control stones, enforce their bodies, and here we have goblin mechas or warforged if you want. Some bravest goblins warriors even replaces part of their brains with such stones. And the unholiest and bra vests ones got pure bricks in their heads. As they, goblins , use the nature in such ungentle way, they got very big misunderstandings with forest folk . To be honest they have misunderstandings with every living being as goblins look at others as on crafting material.


Very good! Cool concept