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   I think all of you knows that I draw around my worldbuilding. Why am I doing this?  Because it helps me to organize my ideas. I didn't ever expected that my Tavern idea , with all that Blood Cult will find its fans, but, the miracle  happened).  Anyways, I am awful storyteller. My first interest is drawing, but drawing always come close with a story. So, here is my ... not story, mostly thoughts how this set appeared.
Once the doors of the Tavern opened for a new visitor, he was looking like well equipped and seen a lot of things adventurer. He went to the bar counter and took of his bundle strange weapons and necklace, it was a little glow from that things, and gears, they was moving inside, if you take a closer look, you can see that that gears go so deep in that blades, much more deeper than thickness of the items allowed.
That visitor said - I found it in one of the caves in Die Down Scream mountains. We went deep there, we were ambushed by the golems and strange creatures, they looked like something alive was mixed with golems, and they used blood of our fallen to cure themselves.  We escaped deeper , and in one cavern we found this things, you know, golems has no fear, but when I took it, gears started to move
I believe I saw golems trembled.



Prospero (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 10:16:35 Demons, blood cults, necromancers, and now Infernal Machines! Love it <3
2021-04-11 15:57:36 Demons, blood cults, necromancers, and now Infernal Machines! Love it <3

Demons, blood cults, necromancers, and now Infernal Machines! Love it <3


Every time I see more of the world building stuff like this it makes me excited to see where it goes and makes me want something from that set.