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Hello my esteemed patrons! Today I'd like to drop in and give details to some ch-ch-ch-changes coming to future polls! ;U

So from way back on opening patreon I always opened a poll EVERY MONTH (minus the recent break). With my work output, I need to balance how much I take in, otherwise I end up with stacks.. and stacks are no good! This won't be changing my regular artwork output as I will always will be working on something and posting as soon as it's done ;D


Simply put, if you enjoy the quality of my artwork that's because I put a lot of time into it. Time on artwork = less time on the next art piece = less artwork per month!

I know some prefer higher quantities over quality and THAT'S OKAY! .. Although don't expect that from me 😅 As we progress we understand a workflow (if any) and as always I will output what I can because that's how I enjoy it! I would NOT be happy drawing a sketch and releasing it as a final (WIP are WIP's and not final artwork.. ). WHY? Idunno it's possibly ADHD haha!

Now you also know why I don't accept sketch or flat color commissions 😉

With that out of the way, I will be having ONE MORE POLL before I put the breaks and instead will --> open polls every other month. This next poll/suggestions will be an OC poll, so rev up those fryers people!

With finally catching up to my endless stack, I will be opening commissions as well! COMMISSIONS FINALLY!... yes. That is one of the benefits of being able to have less work stacks and open for more opportunities!

Don't get me wrong, I love polls and all of your suggestions. If I could draw everything I would! But I need a breather in between. Thanks for understanding 🙏



Heck yes blazy! I am awaiting to throw money directly, for commissions, at you because you are one of the best!

Grumpy McFatcat

I think it is perfectly understandable to hold the highest standards to your work. It´s a feeling I know too well. I´m not satisfied to produce an imperfect product (and we´re our own harshest critics ;__;). So this is absolutely fine. And it´s good that you take time for yourself and not overburden yourself with projects. You´re right: better take a slower pace and take the time you need to finish an artwork instead of feeling rushed. That being said, the announcement of commissions really made my day \o/ I am definitely gonna jump at that opportunity :D


Getting overworked is no good, so you need to make sure you have a balanced amount of stacks on your table at any given time. :D So take a break whenever you need it. That said, there's gonna be like, a million people wanting for commissions.


Thank you! Having a new character every month at my pace wasn't letting me finish anything lol. My output isn't changing so there's no loss. I'd like to think for the past few years I've drawn some of the most requested characters and having time in between will give more time to consider who is going to be next. Most importantly is me having time to breath and have new opportunities like commissions plus further surprises down the road!


It's all about balance 😌I do expect a handful, but there should be enough time for everyone to pitch what they want to see. Limited slots, but there's always more times I'll open up with these new changes, at least more often!


You go, gurl! I've been in this exact position and it sucks being overloaded with work, so totally great to see you prioritizing your workload! You've been putting out some phenomenal stuff as of late, so I'm, and I'm sure everyone else, is super excited to see more, at your own pace~!


thank you esteemed LB


Thank you thank you!❤️ Yeah I've been trying to finish my workload so I can then work on all sorts of other things, but it's been like pandora box for the longest lol! It feels nice to clear out a whole To do list, but how it was before that was never going to happen YuY; Artwork changes so does workflows and I already feel more lax about it all ;D


I'm fully behind this decision. Being overworked is no fun and for some who consistently puts out top quality work every time, it's important that you take breaks when needed. As for commissions: you can bet I'll be making at least one or two at some point.


Thank you! 🙏 Changing the workflow helps with stagnation YuY; I'll continue to do my best!