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And here's the December poll!

We're diving into the end of the year, so why not start the month with not 4 but 8 choices. Is it a hard decision? I sure hope so >:D

Oh but it's okay! This is multi choice so you can choose all your favorites. As always, only one will get the drawing.

Multiple choice - The most popular pick for the win!

Poll ends on 12/10



Now… hear me out… Ryuko AND Satsuki together though… 👀

Wittwe AB Grw

Love to see the la kill grls regresed n playing togethers as ABs

Wittwe AB Grw

We need some ranma and sailor senshi ones too. The idea of prince endimion not having is Grl friend usagi become a AB but all the senshi as AB’s couwd onwy imagine Endioms thoughts of 10 babys grls


RIP Patchouli. Dawn or Komi it is!


Dawn's been mu waifu since I was 7. I'm so happy shes winning


Wowzers, someone other than myself suggested Lucy? hahahaha But dayum there's a lot of good choices this month!


Wow, a suggestion I made actually has a realistic chance of winning...here's hoping.


Man, really hope Komi makes it, been dying to see her diapered since the anime came out


aww, all these options are so good! Really hoping for Blake or Lucy to come through with the surprise victory


The poll might actually take until it's scheduled end to be sure...though even Komi is going to have trouble with that gap, since I imagine most people have already voted. Can I suggest her next anime time as well, if she doesn't win here?


You could suggest her, but low chances she would be on because I like to change up the options. Maybe on the next NEXT anime poll-