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A smol FYI. It looks like some message replies get cut short for whatever reason in the inbox messenger here on patreon. Just letting everyone know in case some of my replies come short lol I think everyone is being affected.

Also! I've sent a question to all Tier 2 patrons. I love getting replies <3 Feedback is super important and it helps me create artwork everyone can enjoy ;D While not necessary, this is your chance to let me know what you like! All feedback is considered and I'll be working my butt off on making the best content I can!

Stay safe and warm <3



I do like your content and appreciate you keeping us up to date on issues like this. My only feedback I would have is to keep mega name characters like Zelda in poles with other mega name characters. Else the smaller names will never win and I think all characters should have a fair shot. Else you are good from what I can tell.


Y'know maybe I'm living under a rock, but I was sure that last poll was balanced... but Zelda did win by a land slide YuY; hahaa. I'll continue to balance out the polls as much as I can :) Thanks for letting me know VV &lt;3


It's fine we all make mistakes from time to time. Honestly I've never played a zelda game in my life but I've talked with enough fans and seen their devotion that it actually surprises me. Then I know a large chunk of those same fans want to a female version of link so yeah. Anyways yeah you're good.


the inbox hasnt worked for me in weeks! but i can see them in the email so i can read them but not reply.


yea you wanna know whats popular go look at soaps polls. his art is a slave to all the popular series.


I think it started this month because they changed how the messaging works. Once again breaking something new every other month &gt;u &gt;;


I hate how bloated this site is on its load times. what janky code they running to make a message or comment thread be so hard to open.