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Update: So I did look into Subscribestar! However for the moment I feel like it's missing a lot of features. I'll continue to look into an alternative, but for now Patreon is functioning again(Thank you oh great patreon coders for gluing things back together (╬⓪益⓪) )..

I'm not happy, but I think things will continue the same as always for now. I'm not sure what the censoring thing was and I'll still be on my toes on whatever patreon decides to implement as we all know they can be picky and strict with certain themes.

We're staying put right here... for now >:U


Original post: I swear every month Patreon breaks a little more. I don't know about you guys, but at times it becomes a challenge to make simple posts here. It looks like they're constantly updating the website, but so much breaks and now they're censoring what I type on post descriptions :0

I've looked at alternatives before and Subscribestar is looking really good. I'm sorry to those that are used to Patreon here, but I'm thinking an alternative could be better. Whatever happens I'll try to make a slow and steady transition if and when it happens.

For now let me know your thoughts on migrating to a different website such as Subscribestar. Is anyone else having troubles accessing patreon?



I don't think it was necessarily them censoring you as I was having massive issues with the site while you were trying to post that, like I couldn't even check my pledges or load the main page


I wrote a reply, but ofc it didn't make it through >:T (hopefully this one does lol) Yeah Patreon is loosing me hard. Instead of fixing stuff they're breaking the site to expand on their censoring.. Like I wrote sp@nking on the latest draw post and they didn't like that lmao.. like WHAT!?


Yeah, I can see the page for creator posts, but the message center is completely borked for me atm...


I thought it was just my internet but if we are switching platforms im ready to follow you over.


follow you regardless


Oh yeah, Patreon is strict on the language now, gotta watch out for that!


Yeah I found it hard to get over how the word sp*nking is now too much for patreon to handle >:U I only wonder what else is next lol


gummi road or somthing like that has come to my attention for other abdls. also im finally back. damned storm.