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So someone is having fun leaking image sets quite early :0 Usually I don't say much when it comes to leaks (I do pay attention). However, come on buddy, give me at least two weeks lmao.

I also want to mention I am keeping track of image sets, I'm not going to go into details, but if you are caught (and I will know who you are) you will be permanently banned from patreon, discord and it's just no fun to do ):

It's not fun making these posts, but something has to be said. It's unfair to my paying patrons and as much as I'd like to make everything I make instantly public, I don't believe I would get the support needed to continue making quality works with that business model lol, perhaps in a perfect world... but it's not.

I can ramble on about the ethics and blah, but it might not mean anything to the offender. I just want to say I am looking at ways to improve as an artist and how I share the artwork making it fair for those that pitch in to support and those that don't.

I appreciate everyone that supports me, again I wouldn't be creating ABDL art without your support and I hope to keep it that way. (︶︹︺)



Stuff show up on 4chan again?


This is an outrage bc it's disrespectful to you, I figured (hoped) that this wouldnt continue to be an issue the last time you brought this up, and oh boy I'm a little riled at whoever is doing this bc its just a shitty thing to do


Genuinely hope you catch them at this point its not just unfair to they paying patrons but its not fair to you who deserves the respect that comes with it

DJ AwesomeSauce

There's always those people, smh. It sucks and I'm really sorry to hear that.


To be blunt it wont. but I respect those who do early access instead of outright paywalls. I support those whos buisness models I believe in. as even a non payer gets a steady trickle of content as a paying person would. it advertises your art and lets people see it to want it. some artist put all there current art behind walls. and id never had found them on patreon had they not been leaked. so its up to the artist. we just need to find more ways for people to monitize there content but i doubt few would be as bold as me buying fetish waifu pillows.




Kick their butts, blazy


Damn, sorry to hear that Blazy! Yeah, it's definitely a bitter pill to swallow, hell I still get upset when I see folks leaking my stuff early. Folks just can't be patient it seems... Either way, don't stop making it harder for those jerks! And make sure to reward the folks who don't want to leak/steal your stuff! lol Keep on doing the good work!


Yeah it's to be expected. Most of the time artist just have trust supporters to understand. When a leak happens we are suppose to "suck it up" and ignore it and again I don't really mind, however if there's something I can do about it, I will >;)


Good points! I of course release a drawing about every 10 days so there is no permanent paywall here. I heard some complains for me to release all the million alts for each image, unfortunately it's not as easy to post all variants on a single post on social media.. it doesn't work that way :Y That's why I have the entire public library available for download here on patreon for a simple low fee of just $1. Again, that is on top of me still releasing singles and gifs outside on social media so I'd imagine that's a fair deal. Anything less then people aren't really trying to support and just want everything for free. Without patreon, I seriously wouldn't be creating ABDL art work right now. I usually don't mind leaks, but someone is out leaking all the latest pieces one by one.. Unfortunately that makes me think if people are going to be doing this, then I do need to take some kind of action.


I mean it's not like our stuff is perma walled behind big patreon (lmao). There is so much over exaggeration and it all.. just makes me laugh :T This isn't a $60 game, we are talking about $1-5 fees for entire galleries, dip in dip out whenever you can't support etc.. but no. I certainly intend to take action on the individuals that think I'll turn a blind eye, but I will continue to keep the same steady flow as always :) Thanks Q <3


I’m super sorry you’re going through this! It really sucks!


Artists gotta draw and a smol smol individual has to..er.. leak? xD It sucks, but it's a big whatever tbh :P


Why would people do that tho


It is not good to do that


That isnt good but I hope you catch because is unfair


Thankfully I have and are now perma banned from trying again :) I post all my drawings outside at some point, so if they can't wait they'll get banned, simple as.