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Hollywood movie super star and a top contender of the ARMS league of champions! Twintelle is one busy celebrity in the world of ARMS. With so much fame, sometimes she has to sit one out and take a tea break, perhaps that tea is a bit too relaxing ;)

 [If you're a patron Tier2 or higher check your inbox for the set] 




Good timing with Min Min getting announced for Smash just yesterday!


I heard :) I almost drew Minmin but Twintelle is too good (and very thicc) I just had to <3


This might be a silly detail but I am in LOVE with the way you draw all these characters so happy and content to be diapered, it just adds such an adorable and sexy level of comfort to it all <3 excellently done Blazy!!


I mostly always prefer to draw them enjoying the situation. I agree! It adds an extra level of sexy ;D TYSM <3

Princess Narii

Currious question i just upped it this month... does that mean i can still get this one? 0w0