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---New updates at the bottom, please read---

Uh-Oh! Something broke! (maybe)

So Patreon started to implement some sneaky changes. As usual patreon, it broke a few tools I need to distribute links. I can't message new patrons directly.. I can't even use BOLD FOR MY TEXT  (ʘ言ʘ╬) ...

If you are a new patron Tier2 or higher and don't have the links to my latest work, please message me directly and I'll send them to you ASAP!

I also noticed Patreon is going to start charging some sort of tax starting July. I don't think it will affect me or any of you because of the type of content is not necessarily taxable*. However it may affect you depending on what country you're from.

You can read more about some of these changes here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-effective-July-1st-2020

Sorry for any inconveniences, I'll be trying to stay on top of whatever Patreon is dishing out.


(If you can't message me here for whatever reason, PM me on Discord or Twitter)


Update #1

So I'm noticing there's like a glitch/bug going on, I don't know if it really is or what's going on YuY;... It looks to me like NEW patrons joining after 6/1/20 are being affected by some bug that doesn't let me send direct messages, like AT ALL! Everyone else who joined before today is fine and everything is going through at least, phew..

So if you just joined TODAY 6/1 I'm really deeply sorry for the sucky inconvenience! I hope this gets resolved soon. Again, try to message me if you don't have access to my latest drawings. In case you can't message me try discord or Twitter.

For now all we can do is wait... If nothing is fixed by tomorrow 6/2 I'll come up with a  workaround ASAP!

Thanks for reading, I will be keeping you all updated-



Final Update-

Everything is actually okay! Turns out Patreon is just taking longer to process payments so new patrons were stuck in purgatory for a little while haha... I'm sorry ):

Everyone gets processed differently so times are varied. So if you join it can take anywhere between 12-24 hours to get access to some stuff. Again sorry for this happening, but Patreon likes to tinker with the websites coding aaaand it usually breaks :P

While the wait period isn't too bad, I might use Discord as a secondary place to host my gallery. As long as you're an active Tier2 or higher you will have access to Discord and the gallery just as you would here on Patreon.

I still can't BOLD ಠ▃ಠ; but at least I have ITALICS!  🍕 

Sorry if this caused any spooks lol You're all awesome and I deeply appreciate all the support! I'll make sure to do my best and bring the best content I can <3 



As always, thanks for keeping us updated!!! Looking forward to the third!


as for the update, we could do something via the discord instead of Patreon's message system!