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Heyo and happy Friday everyone :)

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First of all I hope you're all staying healthy and safe! There's so much going on, but remember to be on your toes, keep clean, keep calm and stock on a few supplies. It can be overwhelming stressful or even scary, but part of it is being paranoid or reading too much news.

With that aside, I'm not changing my schedule and I will continue to post as usual.

There's been a lot of rumors about Patreon taking down anything Anime and some worry this may affect me. It very well could affect me, but I won't be pushing for major changes until I receive notifications from the Patreon staff, so far I haven't heard from them.

Just to keep clear from risks, I may only post "Previews" as in cropped versions on future posts and upload files as usual or I may give links as I've been giving out already, so no major changes for now.

I just want to say I am ever so grateful for all the patronage <3 Your support has really been helping me focus on artwork, push my art mediums to higher levels and I'm also thinking about the future, but all good things come in it's due time~

Every other update I talk about original work, although I've been having my hands full with some commissions, fanart polls and then some. To make it clear, I hope to have more time to focus on more original work with some fanart as usual in between.

I have taken down the previous $10 tier, which was a commission tier (I will continue to finish the remaining commissions). With that said, I will also be taking less commissions as I mentioned there's A LOT of things I want to accomplish this year. It doesn't mean I won't open commissions, but it will be even much less than I already do.

I have some good ideas for the near future, but for the moment there are still a handful of drawings I need to finish. All I can say now is look forward to new things to come.

Oh and before I forget ^^; I want to announce future polls will run a wee bit different! At times I have launched themed polls and other times regular polls with popular picks from Patreon suggestions. I have noticed all bets go on singular characters, to fix that, I will have specific polls like "Video game", "Pokemon gal" or even "Anime top picks" Polls. That way it may be slightly more ""FAIR"" lol I suppose there's more than a few Pokemon fans here haha.

I hope that sounds good and with everything I'm trying to make your Patreon experience a better one moving forward :D I know I said this was a smol update and it really is, just too much too read lol so here's a TLDL~

TLDR bullet points-

  • FTM no major changes here on Patreon, expect posts scheduled as usual.
  • I may change some posts "Previews", but I will continue to provide links to sets.
  • The future may have more original work and new things to look forward to.
  • Less commissions = more original works, but I will still open when I can.
  • Starting April. Polls will be more specific and I will try to have more themes.

Again thank you for your support, there's much more to come <3



Stay safe and healthy Practice proper social distancing with good padding and extra crinkly plastic backed diapers :3

Grumpy McFatcat

So I changed my tier now...this is correct, right? Since you´re closing the 10$ tier?^^


glad your ok cant wait to see the content!


Thank you so much for the update! Hope you're staying safe as well!


Thanks for the update! Looking forward to all of the art coming up! Stay safe and padded ^^


It really sounds cool! It's great that you have a lot of ideas for work, and despite all this collapse, you are not discouraged. The main thing is to stay away from people now!


Thank you :D Yes it's rough, but we have to continue to put in our best efforts, specially during these hardships. Lucky for me I'm an introvert and draw from home, but it's scary to go out just to get groceries lol ^^;