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Hello everyone! Today is a BIG DAY (for me lol). It’s been over a year since I started Patreon and after so long I finally met my first big goal of 200 Patrons! With your patronage, I have been able to put in more time and effort into every drawing. With that, I want to let everyone know that I’ll be changing the price for full access to my artwork from $5 to $3! All tier rewards will remain the same.

All I can say is THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t have done it without all the amazing support <3 It’s thanks to all of your help that I have become a better artist. 

My artwork is better, but I still have much more to improve on. Honestly, I feel like I’m only getting started ;) I have much more in store for the rest of 2019 and a whole lot of art coming 2020!

(Also, if you're a current patron and your patronage did not change automatically, make sure to change it from $5 to $3. You can check out how to change tiers on this neat guide :))




You're the man! can't wait to see Frankie

Grumpy McFatcat

Happy to support you &lt;3 Always makes me happy to see new cute and lewd artwork from you (can we invent a word which combined lewd and cute? Cuwd? ...or nvm. this sounds dumb) and especially the occasional trap~ Onwards to the next year!


You have quickly risen to become my favorite ab/dl artist out there. You art rules, and you are just the best personality wise! I hope one day I'll be able to commission something from you. Keep it up!


I'm very happy for ya! Glad to see you're improving in strides and loving every bit of it!


To think it was just yesterday I found you cuz Cradlwillrock made a comic with Marie and Blazy as diaper queens, now look at you :3


Gosh thank you! so much I'll have plenty of opportunities for commissions down the road :) I will &lt;3