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What would you like to see more from me?

Smol poll to get an idea what my Patrons want to see <3 Please vote!

Original art = More Lora Tessa and Mochi works besides the upcoming comic, maybe more of my blonde butt and new characters???

Fan art = Non original characters, mostly more of what has been featured in monthly polls including anime western and suggested characters.

Please note that I will still be doing a mix of both, but this may or may not influence my focus on what characters I draw for the rest of the year. Comment if you have ideas or suggestions for me (I'm not asking for character suggestions).

Poll ends on 7/20/19

Thank you!



I definitely prefer seeing fanart, but original stuff is also good.


I, on the other hand, prefer original art. Most fan art is "X character but in a diaper!". With OCs, you get to flesh them out with your art. Like, what does Lora do for a living? Does she wear diapers at her job? What does Tessa do on her days off besides wearing thick diapers? Does Blazy wear diapers while drawing diapers? The pictures tend to be more interesting in my book.


While I fully agree and I am capable of bringing life to the originals, I still want to balance it out. In the end if I focus on originals and my patrons would rather see fanart it would suck lol. For the past year a good chunk of focus was mostly on fanart and I'm hoping to bring a more 50/50 split &lt;3 Since I know and understand my original ideas better I tend to draw them faster too, but again I do love me some padded fanart when I can :) Thanks for commenting!


Literally fifty fifty now. Dun dun duuuunnnn


Oh God I made it 35 : 35 again what have I done.


Charlie you are the hero we don't deserve, but the hero we need! But seriously, I'm really shocked how this could well end up being a tie :D