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Skirts are not ideal for magic casters. With all the wind and energy in the air it's bound to reveal that cushion <3

This is also the surprise drawing for the month (and just in time too lol) Surprise! Download the .gif file to get the full Gif :D




These gifs are amazing! Thanks for continuing to do these. I feel like it may be the closest we ever get to actual animated anime-aesthetic ABDL content haha.


Really love the attention to detail with having your watermark be animated as well lol Love the gifs so far. Please keep it up :D

M. Donuto

Oh my goodness this is the best of 2019 so far. So bright and colorful too


I still can't believe this is real, you really are amazing Blazy


aww hehee &lt;3 I'm excited to make more art in motion. I consider this one the first of many more to come :D