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It's almost May and I'm super happy with the support I have gotten in just 3 days. Every month I'll try to mix up the rewards that I offer. I'll always have the $5 tier that will give everyone full access to everything I do and have ZERO plans to change that. However Commission slots will come and go monthly based on my work loads, so make sure to NAB THEM WHILE THEIR HOT! 

Thank you all and I can't wait to have a full Gallery of new art and projects! I'm sneaky so you'll see all sorts of surprises down the road ;). Always expect at least 1 full drawing weekly <3



Well your still getting my dollar cause I love your stuff!


Wait, I'm confused. So, every month you'll drop the comm slots? Or is that only in extreme circumstances?


It'll be like how I've always done it before, I'll open up when I have more time and close or reduce for a month or two when I get too caught up, but I'll have commissions every once in a while and more often now with patreon. I like to draw commissions for funsies when I can but it'll probably be 0-2 slots a month &lt;3