Wicked Perversions Emergency Hotpatch v2.2.6i for WW 174+ (Patreon)
Finally the hotpatch for the latest Patreon release of WW is ready! Before I say anything else, I want to thank you little weirdos for sticking around my weird self while I battled trough my health issues to get this out!!!
Speaking of health, I'm doing better. When I released my last status post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/its-quiet-in-for-74804129 I didn't quite know what my issues were. Well, I don't want to get in too much details, but since then I have had many, many doctor visits and we managed to narrow it down to 3 health problems, two of which explained my horrific fatigue issues. I talked a little more about this on the discord but I have since started treatment and I've been getting steadily better every day! I'm very hopeful I'll have my health issues fully managed soon which means I'll be getting back into a release schedule finally. Expect some small content updates over the next few weeks as I ramp things up and return power to NisaTown and a discussion afterwards about possibly splitting up the mod into parts. More on that later! For now Wicked Perversions is patched!
So what are you waiting for? Those sim booties won't sell themselves and I imagine there's quite a few sex demons quiet cum hungry! Don't hesitate to report any bugs you find and I'll address them asap!