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Out of burnout not only means I have a direction now but an active Work-In-Progress Channel on the discord. If you’d like to influence where the mod is going, then there are times where I pick Patrons minds on such a channel. Given that I have more cumming for cum in the future that goes beyond the recently released vape pen, I talked on discord last week about the nature of the relationship between Succubi, Cum, and Evolution to decide the fate of how cum will be integrated into succubi going forward. Furthermore, it can be a bit hard to express my excitement of why I’m working on what I am here, but easier on discord.

Each creator has a crazy method to their madness. For me, I pick a direction on the horizon and make updates which get me closer to where I want to go. Specifically, a Prostitute and Succubi themed direction. While this update may seem random it is not. It’s born from gameplay needs and testing systems which will go on to be used in bigger ways. The succubus sex detection system could not be as elegant as it is without many experiments into sex detection leading up to them, for example. A True Occult Form System couldn’t have existed without many projects exploring how CAS works under the hood. From Sensually Tight to Daughters of the Easter Hare. Likewise, this past release may be small but it’s an important block to a new road I’m building towards. I experimented with adding new tuning to the game with this update which significance can’t be understated but ironically can’t be easily explained either, a new more elegant finite state machine system, creating bump maps the right way, rendering techniques, texturing techniques, manipulating object data in new ways, and baking details from high poly objects into their low-resolution counterparts. By no means feel obligated but consider jumping on the discord sometime if you’d like. We have a nice community there and it’s the best way to influence the direction of the mod before things get to an implemented phase.

But still, at times I’d like to poll the community on their interest. My mod now has two significant systems to it. One more occult themed lead by Succubi, and another Prostitution themed. I’m wanting desperately to work on things in both these categories, but I can only work on a few things at a time. So, I’m interested in how my supporters would want me to dedicate my time. On the occult side of things, I have many things planned to be coming, a Succubus social consequences system, powers and weaknesses for Succubi, new occult themed addiction states, a new variant for Daughter of the Easter Hare, Succubus pregnancies, A Sensually Tight Overhaul, to name the ones that pop to my mind immediately. On the Prostitution side of things, I want to overhaul prostitution to bring them technically up to date with the systems I made for Succubi. Including new prostitution states which will replace the current ones. The only Prostitution State I’ve publicly revealed so far is a new Escort Career with a true disguise system (talked about in the discord WIP channel). So, this isn’t really a poll about what the next update is going to be, but rather a poll to gauge interest.

What features of my mod do you currently most excited to get updates for? [Selecting both is the same as saying either!]



Ooops, I'm only an adult connoisseur and I voted. But I chose both so it probably doesn't matter. Anything you choose is good, in a bad sort of way. Or is that bad in a good sort of way?


How about aliens with insidious mind powers? That is, "Mars needs women", Orion slave girls and boys. Or make a real "love potion" for spell casters like what Ron Weasley got by accident in "Harry Potter". Vampires already have the "make promiscuous" command. I noticed that the present prostitution system the child from a prostitution doesn't have a known father. How about paternity tests?


Could you make features cheatable? Like cheat golden hare or give prostitutes the ability to select what the put out in stript clubs?

Christian Graff

I'm pretty sure the AC Tier opinion is as valuable to Nisa as the Succubus Tier opinion in this question. Greetings. G315t


More wicked and perverse content for those of us who play mostly male Sims would be AMAZING and much appreciated.


Would it be possible to add an auto-accept phone call setting so that households with multiple aren't constantly having to answer phone calls, but also don't miss clients? Just a suggestion, not a demand, and in no way meant to imply that your mod isn't totally and completely awesome as it is. I really love what you've done with it and I could not play sims 4 without it. I just thought you might want to know that.


I would love to see more caged bird content. Commands and more ways to increase pink would be amazing.


I'm not really interested in occult themes, so I prefer everything about prostitution. Look forward to your ideas =)


I 100% agree! I primarily play gay male sims haha.


It would be nice to have the ability to set house slaves free. Except, when you do, the "pink" just turns to "sex" and the "house slave" trait turns to "nympho". lol ...and of course all the control menus go away. :D


Would absolutely adore seeing what you have in mind for Succubus powers!


It'd be cool to weave the succubus powers into the prostitution mod. Like maybe having moodlets for the clients if they prefer a succubus or if succubus get paid more or less. I really liked how in sims 3 supernatural they had the preference for the occult and I think that could make people more or less attracted to a succubus

Arctic Fox

I wrote here a year ago that nothing works. After a year, it is still not fixed. They stopped calling and no longer want to go have sex automatically. He used to keep calling (from call phone) her that he wanted her " delicious pussy. Let leave the window open. And light....He stopped calling. Automatic sex doesn't work. They reject each other. How to turn on her client had to call her?I let him own her debt.


I'm starting the process of overhauling the prostitution parts of my mod but you are definitely right. While I feel like prostitute succubi are a bit of cheat mode (as perhaps it should be) I'll be adding more integration between the two features in the coming months!


I'm sorry to hear you have been experiencing trouble for so long. When auto sex fails it gives a reason, what's the reason it's giving you? The escort call center is really meant to be a temporary feature used to make it easier for new prostitutes to grow their personal client list. Since you only want one person calling then I definitely wouldn't use the ECC. Instead try offering body to that sim specifically and then don't accept work from anyone else.


Same. I'm hoping for something like a "Refresh Prey" power, where the Succubus can refill all her prey's needs to keep on... uh, keeping on... hehe


I would honestly like to see more occult content added for the currently existing ones like vampire and witch.


I do have some integration planned between vampires and succubi, and witches and succubi. I'm sorry to say that I don't have major nsfw plans for either of the occult states.


Both sounds good but I'm definitely excited for the occult version. I'm still struggling trying to figure out how to activate my succubus but I and trying to mess with it more to see if there's anything I'm missing first.

Arctic Fox

I registered a prostitute with a debt and nobody calls her or wants to go with her.


By default, prostitutes aren't given a list of clients. They have to get their butts out and work. Try wearing your sim's slutty uniform out in a public area, like a bar, have them join a strip club, or offer themselves to good looking sims around. As their service clients successfully, their personal client list will then grow!

Jo Od

Use the computer it should be under the tams explorer tab or the wicked perversons tab sim must be human and nonoccult


So prostitution by almost 3 to 1. Nisa, what are you ideas for prostitution? Where is this going?


This poll was open to everyone because it was meant to gauge community interest so I can better cater my schedule to my supporters. I like both succubi and prostitution and have many plans in each area, I'm happy to see about a 4th of my patrons are into succubi, they will be pleased with what's coming soon. However, this poll tells me that my prostitution fans are currently being underserved significantly. Thus, I will be bumping up my prostitution timeline to cater to them. First thing first, I need to clean up my dev build by getting all my burnout projects out the door. These are miscellaneous updates and includes one collaboration which we are aiming to release early October. After my burnout projects are released, I plan to make a prostitution update my highest priority. I will be working on a new escort career which will be the first planned prostitution type for a prostitution overhaul. I don’t like how my current prostitution system works so I’m excited for this project and I believe my planned prostitution types will cover all the areas the old system covers and more. Speaking of which, while working on escorts I will be exploring a collaboration for the second type of prostitute I want to release. More information on that later. I have shared some more information on what I’m trying to achieve with escorts on my discord, but I don’t generally like to share such work in progress information outside of the discord. It’ll be my first career and my second use of true occult forms. This time not for a custom occult but for a secondary identity for escort work.

Sassy Mama

Does anyone know how to stop being a succubus? Thanks.


Thank you for your support Sassy! Yes you can. Enable testing cheats in the console and then shift click on your succubus. It should be under the WP Extras menu. It's important to unsucc a sim via my mod so I can clean up all my occult data on the sim properly. Let me know if you have any further questions!


There's so many creators out there doing prostitution and sex animations. I literally am a Member of 4 or 5 of them. However, there's only one who does the occult and that's you. I don't know why people want you to focus on something many others are already doing when you can offer a more unique content.


Thank you so much for your feedback Jensa. It brought a huge smile to my face!!! While I do like prostitution and will continue developing that side of the mod, I feel like the occult side of sims is very neglected and in need of some loving and there's so much that can be done with occults as a base. So much.


I agree! I strongly believe that you can bring the best of the occult side to life and make the Sims 4 much more fun. Thank you for all your hard work I can't wait to see what else you come up with!


I joined your patreon to support your work on the occult side of things! Keep up the awesome work!


Thank you for your support! I'm about to release something which should really excite you :D

Blue Nerd

I've been using the Prostitution mod a lot, it's kinda crazy. I wish I had more sims available to register debt to.

Blue Nerd

I dunno if this would be more of a WP thing or a WW thing, but I'd like more vampire options for blood dolls. As far as I know, I cannot ask a vampire to feed on me in game. I'd also like to initiate sexual feeding on various body parts. Where it fulfills vampire hunger and the woohoo need.


What is an escort locked room? I have a strip club with 3 rooms and used the nisa slutify cheat on 3 dancers how do I make them escort locked rooms?


There's some nuance to it. If you can link your discord account to your Patreon account, I can show you with some pictures. I'll try explaining here in either case. It's similarly to how you lock a door for household members. Click on a door with an adult, of age sim. Hit the Lock Door For... "Everything but Escort Business (Directional" interaction. Directional here means that one side is unlocked, the side without arrows (if you click and hold the door in build buy), the side with arrows only allows clients and prostitutes in who are actively in a job together. The room that's locked will then be marked as a 'escort locked room' and sex locations within will be prioritized for sex work. This is an easy way to create specific sex rooms for prostitution work. Don't hesitate if you have further questions!


I would like to be able to turn my succubus back into a human.


Totally doable Rachel. Enable testingcheats in the console (ctrl + shift + c during gameplay) type 'testingcheats on' then shift click on your sucubus while they are in human form, go to wp extras, then you can humanize her from there.

Paul Perry

Happy New Year Thanks for your great mod! I seem to be having trouble using the slutify cheat it's not working I enter the code and nothing happens


Happy New Year Paul!!! I'm sorry for the troubles. You did type in 'nisa.slutify' with out quotes correct? There should be an output in the command console telling you the status of the command. If there's nothing and you are sure the command is spelled right then perhaps my scripts aren't loading into your game for some reason. Can you see the tam explorer with a of consenting age sim on a computer?

Paul Perry

Thank You so much, it was all my mistake I was typing the wrong command! But Thank You so much for your quick response! I Love your work and appreciate your dedication! Thank You again!

L0ve365 Sims 4

As far as occult themes it would be great to include love spells or something. Maybe add some potions that use flowers, roots, crystals spices, fruits etc to get different results. Also the ability to have someone register a debt for someone to now owe them instead of just registering to owe someone else. Love your mod and happy to subscribe!


I'm sorry for such a late reply! I was sleep deprived (don't worry nothing bad, just too much fun over the holiday) and totally missed responding to it! For succubi, I'm very interested in alchemy related to them. Like their sweat used to create perfumes, candles or incense, their urine for drugs (in the mod now) or erotic themed drinks, the cum they collect for drinks or potions and so forth. Succubi are erotic creatures through and through. It only makes sense. Similarly, planning out a thrall system and investigating changing romantic relationships for succubi to a contract based system. As for debt, what do you mean?


Hi. Just curious how're the prostitution updates going? Any word on a release date for that content?


Hey Inky! You’ve been with me for a long time and I really appreciate all the support you’ve shown me. I haven’t seen you on the discord in quite some time, so forgive me if this is a repeat of any info you already know. I’ll be borrowing some text from a response I gave earlier this week to another Patron in the discord. It's not a small project. I'd say it's at least 2-3 months out. I don't like the old prostitute system much at all anymore. It's fine for what it was. A path for me to learn systems. But I've grown so much since its creation. I'm planning on replacing it with a few prostitution careers. The first will likely be escorts but I'm working on another class of prostitutes too which may beat them. For the Escort career, they’ll use a true occult form system for creating a disguise as the career will be centered around reputation. The higher the escort’s reputation, the higher paying and more detailed jobs will be available. Escorts will be more job focused than a street walker, and unlike a prostitute tied to a brothel or a freelancer, not all escort jobs will be strictly sex focused. I have big plans and they'll take some time to realize. Creativity and productivity comes in waves to this area. Thank you so much for continuing to support me even though I’ve been in a productive low. However, the mod is still being worked on and maintained. Progress is happening. Don’t hesitate if you or any other of my Patrons have any more questions or suggestions. I’m always happy to read and respond to them!


Thanks for the reply! I have been working too much to hang out on discord lately, so I didn't see your update on how long it'll be before a new update comes out and all the kick ass features you are adding. Which is and sounds super cool! I'm just glad to know you are working on it (btw I've been dying to ask this since you told me this forever ago...but will there be exploding butt plugs in this version???) Hahaha! Anyway I was wondering though, if by chance, you were also going to be giving your piercings system a little love? I would love to see an option to pierce other things like boobs and tongues and belly buttons, etc. as well as a little piercing love below for the fellas. :) Well thanks for your time and as always for your mods. Have a good night.


No worries, I wasn't mentioning the discord because I expect people to hand on the my every word but just in case you already read part of this response in discord you'd not think I was trying to pull a fast one with copy pasta responses. Which, really that wasn't really a copypasta just a rewording of a previous discord message. More eloquently, I mentioned it for transparency's sake. Part of the support I get on Patreon goes towards teaching myself to 3d model. And I'm starting to get pretty good at it. I hope to start bringing new cc to the mod soon. That includes kinky devices. First will be new piercings as I've made a overhaul of my piercing system. Including piercing variants. I have demonic piercings planned. But I hope to expand into more areas such as kinky clothing creating (specifically parasitic clothing) as my main goal with penis creation, and various chastity devices as sub goals along the way. I'm also going to be getting into erotic crafting very shortly, bringing some nfsw recipes to the wider sims world. Oh, and penis piercing is definitely on my wish list. Belly buttons likely not however. As there isn't really a good way to detect when the belly button is showing vs when it's not. But who knows, I might design an practical and easy way to do this at some point, I wouldn't get your hopes up however. There are some technical limitations to belly buttons which just makes it more practical to be handled as a placed object in cas instead of auto shown/hidden. I'm sorry for the late reply! I was helping a friend out with a medical emergency for the last few days. All is well now however!


Glad your friend is alright! And thanks for the reply. That's awesome about the update\overhaul to piercings!!I can't wait for that and kinky toys! :D

L0ve365 Sims 4

Well when you register a debt it only let's the Sim who will be indebted register. I think the person who they will be in debt to should also be able to register a debt.