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Time to get Succ-Succing!

When I started on Wicked Perversions 2 years ago, I had my sights set on this release. Back then, it was more of a distant dream than anything else. I didn’t think there would be much interest in my mod but then there was. During the first year, it was tempting to give in and release some watered-down version of succubi which functioned similar to caged birds. I even had some patrons begging me to do just that, a simple motive which refilled during sex. I wouldn’t have been happy with succubi in such a state. So, for 2 years I played with concepts, drafted plans, remade plans, and worked to better myself until I felt like I could deliver on a unique interpretation on these often-neglected sex demons of mythological origin. I’ve even released a few features I wanted for succubi as part of other features of the mod for test runs (I’m glad I did!). I’ve poured my everything into succubi. With a 30 percent increase in the number of scripts for my mod (70+ brand new scripts) in this single release, Succubi make use of just about everything I’ve learned over the last two years in one way or another and after more hours of planning, debugging, and developing then I care to admit not just over the last few months but over the course of two years while working on other projects, I’m happy to share with you the first look at their foundation through the Wicked Succubi Beta!


It pains me to admit that our public education has failed us in such a way that most people can do simple math but not everyone knows of the tale of the succ-succs. Succubi and their male counterpart Incubi, are sex demons. They are creatures who feed off sex. In the most classic of stories they harvest energy by giving people lewd dreams while they sleep, but there is a lot of deviation when it comes to defining a succubus. Instead of going on tangent about succubi representation by various cultures, in various stories, I’ll tell you about my succubi, my wicked succubi.

Wicked Succubi allows your sim to become the sex demon of legend, the succubus. It’s my first true occult state. While Son’s/Daughter’s of the Easter Hare would practically qualify as an occult state, it’s still a trait-based state. My succubi however are not. They are based on the game’s occult tracker system just like Vampires, Witches, and Mermaids are. Your Succubus can be either male or female sims. However, canonically succubi are females so there will be a few places in the mod where the flavor text won’t match the gender of your succubus if you choose to play as a male succubus. However, no fear, after some time I will be adding in an incubus counterpart for males.

In my lore succubi are not humans. They are not former humans. They don’t even come from the same planet as humans, not even the same realm of existence. Succubi are demons with an appearance that closely mimics humans who reside in a more metaphysical realm called the Nightmare Realm. Here, their physical form takes on more metaphysical properties, conforming to a mixture of the type of mortal lewd dreams they feed on combined with their own self-image. I won’t bore you with lore too much here, when Succubi comes out of beta they will have a ‘awakening quest’ which will act both as a practical way to convert your sim into a succubus and as a proper introduction to their lore, how they got out of the nightmare realm what it means to be a succubus, why your sim doesn’t think they are one, and their path from believing their a mortal, to living as a fledgling succubus and then finally awakening as a true succubus. For now, you will instantly transform your sim into a succubus by going to the tam explorer on any computer and hitting the Research Occult interaction.

Living as a succubus, a crash guide.

A succubus, a metaphysical entity can only exist in the mortal realm via being magically bound to a mortal body. No, it’s still not a human body but a body generated from binding the matter of the physical universe with their metaphysical one. Thus, while in the mortal plane, they will still have mortal motives such as a need to sleep and eat. However, they will also have the motives of their metaphysical demonic being too attend to as well. Depravity, Desire, and their Life energy. 


Depravity is the energy of their metaphysical selves. They won’t die with zero depravity. No, for succubi in their home realm, the Nightmare Realm, are immortal. Perhaps that’s not a good thing, we’ll come back to this when discussing Desire. Instead Depravity is used like mana, to power their other worldly powers (most will be added in later in the beta) including their ability to disguise themselves as a mortal so they can more easily blend into and navigate the world. Depravity is gained from absorbing the sexual energies from or sims. By sex, but not just sex, by drinking cum too. But don’t think that you can neglect this motive just because depleting it won’t result in death. With no Depravity, your succubus will lose their true source of energy. They will be unmotivated, gain skills at a much reduced rate and perform poorly at their tasks.  


While Depravity may be about fueling succubi in the abilities they need to perform, Desire is their core motive. It’s what drives a succubus toward engaging in lewd behavior, their primary motivational force. Unlike a normal sim’s desire which grows and decays with the environment around them, a succubus’s desire is constantly increasing. It’s a burning lust which can never, ever be fully extinguished but only sated by sex or masturbation. Viewing lewd acts, being around attractive sims, especially naked sims, and all the other normal things which can increase a normal sims desire will increase the rate of gain for a Succubus’s Desire. At low level this isn’t much of a problem. A succubus will be in full control of their faculties. However, as their desire grows their ability to resist their lust fades. At first this will be felt as a decrease in their ability to learn unimportant skills while they get increasingly better at learning more sexy skills. Eventually they will reach a Desperate state, where they will have sex with anyone to sate their Desire and masturbation just may not be enough anymore While desperate, they will begin flirting with random sims. But continue exposing them to arousing situations, then your succubus may enter a sex crazed state where they are completely taken over by their Desire and receive punishments for continuing to ignore their Desire. Stay too long in a sex crazed state and your succubus will slowly forget all their non-erotic skills, start to beg surrounding sims for sex, sweat constantly, or even lose their suffocating, puritanical clothes. Get really unlucky and your succubus just may receive a curse. The Cum Brain Curse and the first of curses which you can experience. A cum-brained succubus will not be able to learn any skills and will not be able to focus on tasks long, even if they cure their sex crazed state. The only way to lift the Cum Brain Curse is via taking other sims vaginal, anal or penile virginity. Remember how I said that a succubus’s immortality in the Nightmare Realm may not be a good thing? The sex crazed state is why. Succubi in the nightmare realm who do not feed on lewd dreams, who neglect their nature will eventually become sex crazed fiends. Unlike in the mortal realm, there is not a known cure besides somehow entering the mortal realm and not just having sex, but lots of sex (tracked via how much time is left on the ravenous desire buff for succubi or the Gone Primal buff for partners) with mortals. So why they may be immortal in the Nightmare Realm, their sanity is not forever, all succubi eventually lose their senses. On the contrary, in the mortal realm succubus’s physical bodies are not immortal… well not technically. Which brings us to the third motive, Life Energy. 

Life Energy

This motive isn’t tracked via your succubus’s typical motive panel. Instead it’s tracked via their age. It’s also the only motive which can only be renewed via sex with no other method. When a succubus sleeps with another sim who can age (make sure aging is enabled!!!), the succubi makes them two days older in exchange for making themselves one day younger. How much younger your ask? This can be set via the succubus’s aging preferences by clicking on them but no younger than the minimum consenting age. For succubi are born into this age, they have no need to exist before it. 

And yes, your succubus can screw another partner into the grave if they sleep enough with them. 

Lewd Dreaming

This originally wasn’t planned for succubi. It was a rather late addition which came about as a suggestion from Patrons when talking to me in my Work-In-Progress channel on discord. When a mortal sleeps in the same bed as a succubus they will be plagued by lewd dreams of their partner. Raising the mortal’s desire and possibly even becoming a wet dream if the mortal becomes aroused enough. This is a small feature right now which I plan to expand upon much, much later.

Skin Care

Succubi have several passive abilities, abilities which do not deplete Depravity which succubi naturally have. The first two are relatively simple and require little explanation. They are immune to fire and have cum absorbing skin. Fire immunity means that they can not die to fire, however they can currently still get hot and overheat in the summer if you have Seasons installed. Adding full heat immunity is something that’s low on my list of wants for Succubi and may not be added since heating a succubus up goes well with their sweating ability. Also, when I added Cold Immunity to Mermaids, it was very time consuming and got little appreciation from players. It’s on the table for the future still but no promises. For now, you succubi don’t have heat immunity but only fire immunity. They won’t panic during fires and can’t catch fire. They are also excellent at putting fires out. Unfortunately, fire will still disrupt their behaviors as maxis hard locks out most interactions when a fire starts on the lot. For cum absorption, it’s not right away! Succubi who leave cum on their skin for an extended amount of time will have it absorb into their skin instead of becoming an uncomfortable crust. This will give some motive gain too. So it pays to leave the cum on! 

The big one is sweat. Succubi still sweat from all the normal body temperature raising activities. Exercising, being in the heat, dancing, sexing, etc. However, unlike normal sims, a succubus doesn’t ooze dumb, basically salt water for bacteria to nom on. Instead, they ooze a natural aphrodisiac and if a succubus is sweating enough then their natural pheromones trapped in their sweat disperses into the air to effect nearby sims. If nearby sims smell a succubus’s pheromones, then their desire (ww desire not Succubus Desire) will rise, they will come over to the succubus to get a bigger sniff, they may start flirting with the succubus or even ask them for sex, or if too intimidated to do so then run off to start pleasuring themselves somewhere else. But this isn’t just olfactory, the sweat has physical properties too. If another sim touches or kisses a sweaty succubus and gets some of that sweet aphrodisiac on them then they will receive a bigger boost to their desire and will try to stay within range of the succubus they touched, with their autonomy system rating activities closer to the succubus with a higher priority. Hopefully bring them into the effects of the succubus’s pheromones. 

The Unrestrained Form [Occult form]

Perhaps the most exciting feature from the beta is the addition of a way to customize Succubi Occult Forms. Months ago, when I first made succubi a true occult form it was for the purposes of adding a ‘True Occult Form’ which I did, and it persisted. But it was just unmodifiable because the UI had the occult form CAS buttons hardcoded in via UI code which not many can modify. So, I was going to shelve this feature to look at again sometime later maybe even not release succubi this year because I was so heart broken. To me, succubi have such a large variety of interpretations on how they should look that I didn’t feel any single interpretation right. So, I saw customizing an occult form as necessary and after talking it over in my WIP (Work-in-Progress) channel on discord, we decided to go with this method as a temporary measure. I’m still interested in cracking the code to add true occult forms for succubi at some point in the future and working on this ‘Pseudo-Occult Form’ system has given me some new ideas on how to go about doing this. This is also one of the major reasons I left succubi as a true occult. So the data is there already when/if I do add true occult forms to them. 

In any case, for now this Pseudo occult form system needs some explanation. Take your succubus to a mirror and hit the ‘Reforge self’ interaction to access the Unrestrained Form Menu. There are a few options here, including to create a new template (you will likely want to do this) cloning a template, assigning a template (don’t forget this) to your current succubus, and editing or deleting templates. Most of these are self-explanatory but the edit template option could use some more explanation. You get two options here, you can choose to edit in cas which will allow you to edit the form in cas like you would edit a mannequin. This is very much based on TURBODRIVER’s underwear customization code, or apply extra parts to the template, the parts which don’t show in the mannequin cas menu. In the extra parts menu, you can choose to apply parts from your current outfit, delete parts, apply your current skin tone to the form, or delete a skin tone. I’m really looking forward to how you guys customize your succubi. So far, I’ve just added demonic eyes to the form by default for your convenience. But I do plan on making some more demonic cc in the future at my leisure. 

Additional Notes

There has been a lot of revamping under the hood of Wicked Perversions to support Wicked Succubi, one of the most noticeable changes is the addition of penis virginity. Male sims can now loose their p v card to other sims. In addition, who a sim lost their virginity too is now tracked. This feature was added a bit earlier than I expected in order to support succubi curses but later you better believe social interactions will be added based around virginity loss! 

The biggest change has been to sex detection. A brand-new sex detection system was created for succubi which makes it so if a succubus isn’t in sex, then their corresponding code doesn’t run. Sort of like my prostitution situation code, this is not if/then based, the code is a property of the sim and only runs when they are in sex, like the prostitution situation sex code is a property of the situation and only runs while the prostitute is in a prostituting situation. I’ll be bringing my other sex traits over to this system but for now only Succubi and Daughter of the Easter Hare uses it. This will make it so if a succubus is not in sex then their complex code will not run. This new type of sex detection will not be replacing the prostitution situation-based sex detection or my global sex detection systems, instead it’s another tool added to the tool box to make my code more efficient or behave in a certain way when it needs to. 

There have been lots of small bug fixes added to, a change to how sex locations are chosen to make it fail with a smaller frequency than it used to (hopefully), and some changes to how NPC son’s/daughter’s of the easter hare is treated too among other small changes and tweaks. 

Roadmap from Beta to BEYOND!

This isn’t it for Succubi! I freaking love my sex demons and this is just the start. A lot of work here has been in laying the foundation for more content to come. I’m making this post way, way late. I’m probably going to be sleeping in tomorrow, but I didn’t want to end the post without leaving a roadmap for the future: 

Succubi Part 1

  • Succubus Beta Release on Discord [we are here]
  • Add social system to Succubi. I want being a succubus to have social ramifications, right now in the beta there isn’t but there should be. So the next big thing I’m focusing on is what happens when a succubus gets found out for being a succubus, how does that impact the effectiveness of their powers, their relationships, how would it change the gossip, and what possible risks could be involved in being found out. Similarly, how could a succubus break the news easily to a loved one in a way they’d accept. Then finally, there should be some goofy interactions for succubi. Like sharing sex stories or talking about cum flavors. Just weird little flavor interactions that a succubus would totally talk about that may have weird pay offs for normal sims but big pay offs when talking to other succubi! 
  • Vampire surprise! Shhhh don’t tell anyone. 
  • Finish the Succubus Tome. I left out exactly how Succubi enter the mortal realm and get bound to mortal bodies. It’s via their unique summoning Tomes. Each Succubi has one and in the hands of their owner succubus, it can be used to grow their powers, while in the hands of others it would lay bare a succubi’s life. Along with the tome will come additional powers divided into three categories for you to further customize your succubus if you so choose too. 
  • Start and Finish the succubus conversion quest, talked about above. This marks the Completion of the Beta and the end to Succubi Part 1. You guys may be concerned as to why the Wicked Succubi Beta is being released to patrons on discord first before the larger Patreon. This is because I want to fully debug it with people who can provide live bug reports before releasing it to the masses. There’s a lot of new experimental things being done under the hood here and I want it well tested. The Wicked Succubi Beta will be release on Patreon sometime in between now and the completion of Part 1. IT should be well before the completion of Part 1. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on discord releases being a normal thing. It’s just a necessity for the complexity and size of this update. I really want this update well tested. 


The download is currently in the velvet room on discord via a link pinned in the channel. I know this isn’t the ideal way to distribute this update by far and I know that Patreon is for testing releases before they go public but, didn’t I mention that this update is freaking huge! I want there to be extra precautions for this update. Like players saving to a new temporary save after installing this update to protect their original saves from bugs if there are any bad ones I missed. And if there are bugs then being able to work with me live over discord to quickly address them. If you would like to try the beta then please link your discord account to your Patreon account as shown here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#:~:text=Step%201%3A%20Log%20in%20to,role%20tied%20to%20your%20Tier! to gain access to the discord.

If you would rather not, then that’s fine too! I will be moving the beta release to a Patreon post for downloading (like usual) as soon as I feel it is safe enough to do so! Thank you for your understanding and patience. Also, did you guys know I have a new translator channel? I do, expect a post on how to gain access to the channel if you are a translator for my mod within the next few days if all goes as planned (I.E. the Wicked Succubi Beta doesn’t surprise us with any super bugs!).

[As mentioned above, when bugs are worked out it will be brought to Patreon for Downloading. So, soon!]


Alexandria noel

I subscribed to your patron a few hours ago I’ve been waiting for the discord server but nothing, I logged in an out do i just keep waiting lol?


I seem to have a problem with your server in Discord, can't access anything, including download.


You have to go to the velvet-room on discord and the download link is on the top post.


My discord seems to be messing up, can't see a velvet room, if it is on Nisa's server that is one of them messing up

Miguel M

It's within 'The Peeping Chambers' you may have that segment minimized on the server.


Congratulations on this release Nisa! This is a huge accomplishment, and I am looking forward to play-testing it soon!

True AI

In Discord, I have Rules under Information, WCIF under Text Channels, and General under Voice Channels. That's all I have access to.

Miguel M

Hey you don't seem to have a role on the Discord True AI, did you change your pledge recently?


This is an absolute delight, and once you finish adding stuff and tweaking things wow... just amazing content. Thanks for the hard work!


I have no idea about Discord :( can anybody explain me what I have to do? :x

Kitamu Latham-Sampier

i connect to discord but i still don't see your discord or have access!

Praefectus Castorum

I see this means I cannot get the update because I cannot navigate Discord. I don't use apps. I am willing to increase my patronage. I have been on the $5 level I am going to increase it to $10 and hope I will see the Succubus soon.


Hey Karl! Discord can be a bit annoying to navigate. If you are sure you have linked your discord account to your Patreon account but still can't get access then please try unlinking your discord account and your Patreon account and then relinking it. Patreon bugs out sometimes on adding people with the right roles to the right channel! Otherwise when the beta reaches a stable state on discord I will be posting it here on Patreon! I expect this to happen in about a week, so you shouldn't be waiting long!


Thank you for your support Kitamu! Patreon bugs out at times, try unlinking and then relinking your Patreon account to your discord account, this usually clears the bug and adds you to the discord channel with the appropriate rolls!


Hey Izabela! Try this link https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role#:~:text=Step%201%3A%20Log%20in%20to,role%20tied%20to%20your%20Tier!


WTF Discord to download? It ain't that simple.

Black Zeus

I’m so excited for this holy moly


Hey Michael! Thank you for your support! Linking your discord account to your Patreon account should automatically add you to the mod's discord with the appropriate rolls. If not then try unlinking and relinking! If you wold rather download it from Patreon instead of Discord then the Beta will be coming here soon when i'm sure the hard bugs are worked out!

Justin Seifert

Can't wait to have a strip club ran by succubi with her succubi "sisters" that are all also in a gang lol


What is your Discord?


Thank you for your support Kaylin! By linking your Discord account to your Patreon account, Patreon should auto add you to the discord with the appropriate roles! Wicked succubi is in the velvet room channel!


Discord isn't letting me download so I'll patiently wait lol


I need help, so my sim completed the mind broken aspiration but now I’m really tired of her being horny all the time, how can I cancel it and get her back to normal. Please help

Carl Studebaker

I would like to download your Wicked Succubi Beta v2.2.0 mod for TS4 but can't seem to get there. I have connected to Discord as Karl.47 but nothing shows up for your Discord account. I also tried unlinking and then relinking Patreon and Discord but still nothing happens.


I'm sorry to hear you aren't able to get discord working, rest assured however when the bugs are ironed out I will be bringing it to the Patreon page for normal download. Due to the size and complexity of this update, this alternate method to rapidly bug fix the update is needed. I'm sorry again for the inconvenience!


The aspiration was made back in a time when aspirations couldn't be normally switched, it was really meant as a prema transformation for that sim. So, for now, you'll need to use cheats to remove the effects you don't want. Try whichever of these is appropriate: traits.remove_trait Nisa9022_Nisa9022_BrokenLibidoAspiration_Trait_ValleyGirl Nisa9022_Nisa9022_BrokenLibidoAspiration_Trait_Lusty is the lusty trait Nisa9022_Nisa9022_BrokenLibidoAspiration_Trait_Barbie is the sex addict trait Nisa9022_Nisa9022_BrokenLibidoAspiration_Trait_Princess is the princess trait Be sure to switch out of the aspiration first!


Gah that's so frustrating to hear. Maybe try once more today and with the discord web browser client instead of the downloaded app? If it still doesn't work then you'll need to messages Patreon for help with their bugged out bot! I don't control role assignment, the bot does! Let me know what you find out!


Curious question You have to be human to do the beta. Will it always be that way ? And will the doll sims be able to do the beta?


Human definitely for part 1 at least. After that things may change. Unlike most CC occults, Wicked Succubi is a true occult type. This means that it isn't trait based but based on the in game occult-tracker just like Maxis Occults which means it conflicts with other occult types. I know there are people who make mods to allow hybrid occults I have no comment on how that would play with succubi at this time. I'm more concerned about getting succubi off the ground first :D Now for Pseudo-Occult conflicts like with DoEH? those will change with time. I'll be adding in a DoEH variant for succubi sometime in the future.


I feel excited for Wicked Succubi Beta v2.2.0 but I can't connect your discord so I look forward to you update in this patreon. Thank you for all your hard work on this.


Hey Poppy! Thank you for your support! This sounds like a Patreon bug. Try unlinking and then relinking your Patreon account to your Discord account. Usually this will kick the Patreon bot's butt into motion and add you to the correct servers with the correct roles! I'm very excited about WS, It's getting close to being ready for a Patreon release, but I hope you can join us on bug hunting fun!

Arctic Fox

It all works now.How it's done to make her his property.So man call on woman phone 'Leave the lamp on. I'll come in the evening ...?Does he have to buy her? Or does he just have to meet her? To start calling her?


very happy you creat this,but after a few day test, i think we could let it more better,After I complete the conversion, I can no longer convert into a human, even if I use MC, Moreover, the babies they give birth are just ordinary people, and there is no father. Their demand was lost so quickly that I had to meet the demand several times a day, but on the contrary, their skills growth was nothing extraordinary, but the punishment was severe and the skills were lost very quickly. I think we can make some adjustments. For example, they are already demons, so apart from XX, they don’t need to eat or sleep at all. They are happy all day long and only care about XX. In this way, there is only a single need, which will be more in line with the image of the devil.


Hey PiDan Hu! Thank you for your support! Are you sure you are in the Wicked Succubi Beta? I don't see you in the discord!


So excited for this!

Carl Studebaker

Evidently my SIM is a "pseudo-occult" though I can't figure out where or how to check this in-game nor can I figure out how to remove the "pseudo-occult" trait in-game. The "Research Occult" choice is grayed out. When I hover over that choice a message saying "Must not be Pseudo-Occult" pops up. What is the "pseudo-occult" trait and where does it come from or what causes it to be attached to my SIM? It is very frustrating not being able to convert my SIM to a succubus. The version of WickedPerversions that I am running is 2.2.0g downloaded on the 28th of September 2020.


Thank you for all your support Carl! To keep things tidy I'm currently keeping support for Wicked Succubi to the channel on the discord, however I'll soon be releasing it on Patreon which at that point I'll respond to inquiries on Patreon and other places too but for now I'd like to keep things tidy in the beta-testing channel. Speaking of which, I just @'ed you and responded to your question there! I'm sorry for the inconvenience! I just want to keep support questions on Patreon to a minimum until WS come to Patreon.


discord 연결했지만 서버가 나타나지 않습니다.


Thank you for your support nothinonu! This is a Patreon bug. Try unlinking and then relinking your Patreon account to your Discord account. This should wake the bot up and add you to the server with the correct roles. 당신의 지원 nothinonu 감사합니다! 이것은 Patreon 버그입니다. 연결을 해제 한 다음 Patreon 계정을 Discord 계정에 다시 연결해보십시오. 이렇게하면 봇이 깨어나 올바른 롤로 서버에 추가됩니다.


Where the link of discord?


Thank you for your support Ithan! Linking your discord account to your Patreon account should cause the Patreon bot to auto add you to the server with the appropriate roles. If it doesn't then try unlinking and then relinking again. If you have any questions then please let me know!


I tried but it wasn't ... what to do?


It may be because it's the first then, maybe wait a day before unlinking and relinking again. Patreon is typically really, really buggy on the 1st with all sorts of weird temporary problems.


서버에 들어갔지만 다운로드 링크를 찾을 수 없습니다

Praefectus Castorum

Thank you Nissa. I found your Succubus mod on Discord. I am enjoying it a lot. I She looks just the same so I don't know if I am doing it right yet. But i like the way she looks so that is cool anyway. I can se it is going to be amazing when you are done. I am having fun, thank you. Mrs. Landgrabbe died of fury when my Succobi was in a crazed sex state for a long time. He survived okay for being in sex at least 10 minuts, I think more. It killed Nancy. Everything is going well as far as I can see. I got hundreds of exception errors most of them clean. No crashes or anything. Thank you, Karl


zomgosh Karl! I'm away from my computer for the weekend but please get those LEs into the velvet room on discord!!!!! It sounds like something needs to be looked at in your game! Despite that, I'm glad you are enjoying the new update!


I need please, cant connect to my discord


Hey Melanie! Thank you for your support! I'm sorry for getting back to you late I was away from the computer yesterday, and I see you sent several messages so I'm responding here in hopes it may also help others. This is a known Patreon bug. Try unlinking and then relinking your discord account to your Patreon account several times, until the Patreon bot kicks it into high gear and adds you to the server with the correct roles. It's a bug that's even affected me at one point and Patreon doesn't currently have an eta on a fix. I'm sorry for the inconvenience! -Nisa


Hello Nisa, I have a question. In my game, I noticed the doos to buy are more and more expensive. Around 700000 simflouzes on average about the upper caged birds. My "families" can't afford them. Is there a solution. Past this detail, your mod is very great and works very perfectly! :)


Thank you again for all your support SimplyRod! The prices are dynamically determined based on the net wealth (property + money) of your world, so the most evil way would be by wrecking your world economy, taking all the npc's homes and things away. But a more practical way would be to decrease the economic class of the caged bird you wish to buy with the cheat 'nisa.set_class firstname lastname lower' without quotes and stripping the sim of any star status that they may have!

Arinmy Martinez

I have all this thing. But I think I need something more in the game. Any configuration?


That Particular animation has a lot of requirements I believe. If you don't see it popping up in your game then I encourage you to reach out to them for more help or to re-read the requirements section. Otherwise DoEH + tentacle animations is all you need!

Praefectus Castorum

My exceptions have ceased. So no worries there. I have become kind of a grim reaper. I set the life span to short so I take my sims life when they become elders. I am maxed out in romance and friendship with the grim reaper. I have three generations of my NPCs now. So I can befriend them as children and they grow up liking me. After the 3rd generation every time I go to Orchid a Go Go, I have friends of all ages tipping me. I am having a lot of fun, Thank you. My depravity is always filled, it never goes down even when am nearing sex starved. Now my sims is depraved, it is true. I keep it busy. Just an observation. Karl

Praefectus Castorum

also, when my sim is playing a song at the Orchid a Go Go random sims who I do not know, get me scent I guess, walk towards me and die leaving a pink fume/aura rising from them. I am having fun because all the Oasis families are three generations deep with full genealogy. Geoffrey, died pretty fast being a Sugar daddy, Malcom lived pretty long because I wanted his family to survive. A daughter inherited the company. but she just died so I have now the fourth generation of Landgraab's on the way. I never thought I would see this in a game. They all grow old and die, sometimes thanks to me, It appears younger than when it spawned. Thanks for the fun

Praefectus Castorum

whoa, I just found that all the sim's clubs have changed. There is a club "Complementary Colors" for example. I made lots of the children with the painter creative trait or inspiration. All the original clubs are gone :)

Samiel Cameron

i am paying for a mod that hasnt worked for months. how can i get this to work without the last exceptions and it constantly freezing my game


Hey Samiel! I'm away from my computer today but I saw your DM and want to give you a quick reply. When you get an LE the best thing to do is to send it to the mod author. You can do this using a free no account needed service such as pastebin.com, or via discord. There are other ways too if neither work. Otherwise it's shooting in the dark to try to figure out what could be going wrong in your game with your unique mod setup. Since I'm not at my computer today, the most prompt support would probably be through the discord. But, if we try a shot in the dark without an LE, you could try going into your The Sims 4/saves folder, backup the WickedPerversionsMod folder and then delete it. This will reset my mod's settings to default but if you are happening to be getting the mod save data corruption bug then this should clear it up for you. Thank you for your support! Don't hesitate to reach back out if you need further assistance! -Nisa


Hi, there! Is there a way we can return to human form?


You mean convert back to human? If just a back to human (restrained) form, all you need is depravity (which can be refilled with cum and sex) and to click on your succubus and go restrained.


Sorry, I mean, how do we stop being a succubus and turn back to full human form?


Sorry about the late reply! I got really distracted yesterday investigating a bug between succubi and the old version of WW (now fixed in the current version which was silently released yesterday). Turn on testing cheats (ctrl+shft+c, then type in 'testingcheats on' without the quotes) then shift + click on your succubus, under wp extras there should be an option to humanize them again!


Is there a way to disable a succubus screwing someone into the grave? How does this work so I can avoid it

Mariah Ring

Hi! I don't seem to be able to turn my sim into a Succubus. When I click on the computer to "Research Occult" it is not selectable, and has a message pop up that says "Must not be Pseudo-Occult." I have v2.2.2b downloaded and installed. Any advice would be appreciated. I love the other aspects of the mod! I just haven't wanted/gotten to try this one yet, but recently became interested. Thank you for all the work you do!


Thank you for your support Mariah! It simply means that your sim can't be a WW doll, a caged bird, a pheromonal flower, a black widow, or a DoEH as most of these sort of pseudo occult traits have conflicts with succubi, overlap, or planned overlap. For example, the Pheromones succubi produce via sweating are much more powerful than the pheromones from Pheromonal Flower sims. Beyond that, and while I can't block them all, all cc occults besides succubi for the sims, currently, are pseudo-occults. They aren't true occults with occult forms tracked via the occult tracker, so it's possible that they could conflict with succubi. So the pseudo-occult warning is meant to bring attention to this possibility. Let me know if you have further questions!!!!

Mariah Ring

Thank you so much! I couldn't figure it out, because my sim was a human, but she had the Pheramonal Flower trait, I changed that trait and now it works. I appreciate your help, and so fast too! I'm excited to play with this occult! Thank you! :)