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 [Compatible with the 7/16/2019 game update]

[Before I start, I just want to reassure that I’m still committed to my mod only needing the public version of WW, the public version of Basemental drugs, and the base version of the game to run.  So if you are experiencing any problems be sure to notify me so I can fix any areas where my pack detection fell short!  Furthermore, if you for some weird reason don’t want me to lewd the mermaids in your game, then please install the [OPTIONAL]Disable_WickedMermaids.package file.  This will disable my modifications to the game’s mermaids and let your fish people swim in peace!  If you don’t have IL then this file shouldn’t be necessary although shouldn’t hurt either.]

Changelog 6/27/2019 v2.1.1a:

  • Oh no, it seems like a few of you guys are experiencing bugs which I can't reproduce in my own game.  When I say 'attempted' to fix it's because I can't verify the fix, so if you are still experiencing the bug afterwards then let me know (especially on discord) and we can try some more things!
  • Fixed a bug for people who don't have the seasons expansion pack.
  • Attempted to fix an elusive bug that happens for some when transforming into a mermaid.  I believe this just needed the same fix as the one I made for WW but let me know.
  • My Tail Time Motive was being naughty and making a debut on the UI early, booting the EA hydration motive in the process.  Attempted to fix this from happening!  Naughty Tail Time!  Naughty! 

OMG guys,  

Mermaids are here, and I’m still stuck in disbelief.  If you would have come up to me at Sims 4 release and asked me to bet 1 million on a life state that wouldn’t carry over to this version of my game, I would have picked mermaids.  But here we are, with mermaids.  I officially can’t predict maxis anymore, who knows, maybe the next expansion will have playable unicorns!

In any case, somewhat quietly I’ve been working on my own mermaids in the background.  Thinking, surely there will be no mermaids released so I’ll just have to make my own!  And I got really far, a hydration motive system, a tail transformation system, and more were done with only the CC placeholders needing to be replaced before an official release.  Then, the Island Living Announcement came out!  There was a smile stuck on my face for days!  This first part of my Wicked Mermaids Expansion is me porting over my completed systems from my old mermaids (proto-mermaids) to the base game mermaids.

Cold Resistance!

So, I have a question for you, why haven’t mermaids taken over the sim world yet?  They can go on both the land and sea.  They are simply better adapted to the world than the normal sim.  Well I’ll tell you why:

Introducing Mermaid Intoxication Syndrome.  In my mind mermaids live mostly in the deep waters of the ocean where it’s very, very cold.  This not mixing of habitats is part of the reason that they haven’t fully integrated with normal sim society.  So, in thinking of what gameplay repercussions cold resistance could have (because that’s also a pretty OP power as well), I began looking into how real deep-sea fish survive the frigid depths of the ocean.  I came across several articles talking about how fish would synthesize a natural ‘anti-freeze’ when cold while slowing their movements to help preserve body heat.  Then it hit me, why not have them synthesize alcohols with the antifreeze proteins in the blood!  And now we got the answer!  When it’s cold out (colder than cool) mermaids’ bodies will begin generating these special molecules.  This will give them cold resistance (which also means they won’t feel the need to automatically switch to winter outfits when outside) but in exchange this will also carry a chance of the mermaid getting ‘Mermaid Intoxication Syndrome’ which will inject alcohol straight into the mermaid, drain some motives, have electricity pulse through their body, and make them blush with warmth (if not in tail form, ea bug, will investigate later, but everything else applies minus the animation and blush in tail form).  

In short, the answer to the original question is because they are all getting naturally drunk off their own blood in their home habitat.  This also explains why our mermaids love island living so much, the warm temperatures keep their bodies from generating alcoholic blood and thus allows them to more easily grow as a culture and interact with the world.  

This is perhaps my favorite feature of mermaids. It’s also how I got my first indirect mermaid kill.  I’d take my mermaid and a client swimming in the middle of a blizzard and watch as the client’s skin turns an icy blue before their frozen bodies sank to the depth.  Very brutal.  But it will also let your mermaids sleep year-round in your backyard pool if you so wish.  Mermaids not needing to leave the water is very important to me, and I’ll be working on more systems to make leaving the water to do things (such as eat and use the bathroom) not essential for mermaids.  However, if you choose to live as a mermaid in a cold environment then you’ll have to deal with the dangers of Mermaid intoxication syndrome! 

Weather Detection!

Is it raining out?  Yes, well then shouldn’t that mean something for mermaids?  I mean what is rain but ocean water by proxy, no?  Now, with my Wicked Mermaids expansion, mermaids will react to the rain, gaining a special hydration buff that boosts hydration gain.  They will also no longer automatically use umbrellas.  I mean why should they?  That would be like a human refusing to breathe.  Soak in that wonderful sky water again and enjoy your time out in the rain! 

Temperature Detection!

If it’s hot out, then mermaids will get a custom buff depending on how hot things are with a corresponding increase in hydration loss.  If it’s too hot your mermaid may even begin to sizzle and let off the smell of burning fish for those around!  Like the weather detection above, go inside to get out of the heat or jump in a body of water.  Stick around too long and you may find your hydration depleted!  Also, to mitigate the problem with npc vampires killing themselves by standing out in the sun like a dummy, this system has been automatically disabled for NPC mermaids (non-currently played) to give them more of a fighting chance!

Fireplace detection!

Something I really liked about the mermaids in the sims 3 was having to watch out for running fireplaces.  They weren’t super deadly but would still cause increased hydration loss.  This is back for the sims 4 mermaids now.  If your mermaid stands too close to a fireplace then they will get a custom buff and start losing hydration at a higher rate!  Beware! 

Custom Blood Flavors!

I view mermaids as the natural prey of vampires.   After all vampires are a bit of wine snobs and my mermaids have special blood.   Now when a vampire drinks from a mermaid, depending on the weather outside, the mermaid’s blood may be synthesizing those wonderful chemicals that give them winter resistance.  And if they are then their blood will be ‘ripe’ for the biting, making vampires a bit drunk in the process and giving a custom satisfaction buff.  If they drink them when they aren’t ready, however, then they will get another, less pleasant buff.  It’s good to eat your food when it’s in season, after all!

A new Motive ‘Tail Time!’

Something immediately bothered me about playing with mermaids.  When I had them on land, I really didn’t feel like there were many mermaid things to worry about.  My land mermaid just felt too…. Human.  Why ever go back to the ocean?  Why not just get a 9-5 job and settle down and never transform again?

For mermaids, their natural form IS their tail.  Not using it for an extended amount of time should be just like a bird not flying.  It should cause behavioral problems.  So, I delayed the release for a few days to add this in for my initial release of Wicked Mermaids.  

There are several buffs along the way for this new motive, your mermaid will go from feeling playful and in tune with their body, ready to tackle the world:

All the way down to getting Major Mermaid Depressive Disorder:

And then further to Mermaid Conversion disorder:

With this final stage bringing a chance to be inflicted with the ‘Sea Witch’s Curse’ (I drew heavy inspiration from the original little mermaid story for this motive) which will cause mermaids quite a bit of pain, make them unable to walk correctly, and even change their voice!  

How does one escape such a hellish mindset?  Well of course by spreading your fins!  Mermaids will regain this motive while in their tail form.  It takes 4 days total to drain (just over 4 days actually) from max level, 2.5 hours to regen to max level in the ocean, 5 hours by being transformed in the pool, and a very long and impractical 12 hours in the tub (but you can still get a lot of relief by using the tub so this makes a land dwelling mermaid still very possible, just don’t expect to get the max buff often).

Last, but not least, a sex detection system!

When mermaids have sexual encounters with none mermaids, they will give them a ‘fish stank’ buff after some time.  This will, of course, make their partners smelly.  Go wash it off in a tub or shower to wash the stank off you!   

But this isn’t all!

This was mostly to bring over features from my proto-mermaids to fill in some gaps I saw with the initial mermaid release.  I was really impressed with the maxis mermaids but I felt like there were some pretty large gaps, especially when it came to seasons support.  This Won’t be all for my mermaid modification.  Next up for mermaids will be working on a way to allow them to hunt in the ocean for food, use the bathroom in the ocean, and overhaul mermaid singing.  Giving passive boosts to normal singing and slowly overhauling mermaid powers to make them more substantial!  I’ll also be looking into way to expand my tail time motive, maybe even seeing if I can integrate it into the UI like my pink motive (just didn’t have time to look into this further for this release).  Although I think there is a limit to how many motives one can have displayed.  I look forward to more mermaid integrations with vampires and begin integrating them with my caged bird systems when mermaids reach a point where they can survive in a pool without ever getting out (Who doesn’t want to keep a mermaid aquarium???)

There are many things on the horizon for not just my mermaids but other parts of my mod as well.  I thank you for all your support and hope you will stick around to see the journey this mod will take!




just bought a membership why cant i download this??!?!?!??!?!??!?! gonna cancel


The latest version of the mod includes previous updates, you can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wicked-emergency-76139826

Martin VG

Pretty awesome!

Luci Martin

Nisa..I can not tell you how much I love you and how you think. Just when i thought I wasted my money you bring me joy. Thank you thank you thank you. I had visions of underground ocean homes, of "fin" intimacies and baby mermaids, visions of an underworld society, of specialty sexual services at top price and hard wins. only to get a regular sim that changed only to swim. then you came along and exceeded my expectations. I was afraid i had another 'pets' that you didnt even have a way to control them etc. thank you for your work. i am so excited to be the receiver of your wonderful mind and talent. cant wait for aquarium...its kinda a home. what fun it would have been for the mermaid escorts to service their customers under water..what... maxis couldnt provide snorkels for them?? lolll..ok enough gushing..you are my hero...I so appreciate your gift..thank you


awesome, added more to mermaids, i love the mermaid in sims 4 but they seem abit boring because not alot features, but you made more.


Hi Nisa, I got this LE. it said it was a Nisa Error. https://pastebin.com/Nr5R7J1M


Hi Nisa, I love this so much! I know a lot of people on the sims reddit are also disappointed with mermaids and was wondering if you'd ever considering creating a non-perv version of them? Of course this isn't something I personally want since I use your mod anyways, but I think a lot of people just love occult sims by themselves Thanks so much for all your hard work!


cause last exception when turn into a mermaid


Try out the new hotpatch and let me know if it doesn't clear up your error! Thank you for the support!


Thank you for the LE and your support, check out the latest hotpatch to see if it clears this bug for you!


Hey S R! So glad your enjoying my initial changes, I have a lot more changes planned to come! Making a non-perv version has crossed my mind. I may do it at some point but likely not until my mermaids are further along in development. I may even separate them out from WP entirely at one point in the future too (but ofc this wouldn't mean dropping the perv features for you guys).


OMG Luci! Thank you so much for the kind words! I was having a horrible time last night, so when I got this message I reread it a few times. It really cheered me up! I hope my future changes to mermaids continue to make you happy!


Wow!! Just Wow!! Love your creativity. Thanks for this. :-)

Carl Studebaker

Nisa, first and foremost are grateful thanks for all your hard work since the June 18th game patch was made by EA and the subsequent release of the Island Living expansion pack. This version replaces the 2_1_0s version of WP, right? Haven't tried the new version yet though. Even with your latest hotpatch I am battling with some other LE messages caught by MCCC.


Nisa your mermaid buff keeps killing all my mermaids "dying in laughter"


Really love your mermaid system. Love you!!


Love, love, love your Wicked Mermaids!!!!!!


Haha xD Do u use mccc? If so, you can disable emotional deaths :P I did that a long time ago haha


Can't wait to try this out! Nisa you are awesome!


Hey Carl! This replaces 2.1.0s, Unless otherwise specified (or something weird like a WW hotpatch) my main mod is always packaged as a single zip file with a few optional other packages as separate downloads. I'll be removing old downloads soon to help with the confusion!


Hey Nisa, you’re famous! https://kotaku.com/life-got-you-down-load-up-the-sims-4-and-open-a-semen-1835192163

Dana M

ahhhhhhh yay thank youuuuuu


Really awesome mod, you are amazing!! :D A sunblock of sorts would be super awesome so that the mermaid could walk around outside when its really hot and still enjoy beach life.


Hey Micah! I've been giving this quite a lot of thought, I'm making something that i'm calling a 'water retention system' for mermaids. Essentially, after getting wet they are going to stay wet for some time and thus block the negative effects of the weather for a little bit. I'm interested in possible long term blocks too but that will be at a later time.

Kwangyeol Baek

wicked perversions 2.0 update?


Latest Wicked Perversions is included in this update, Wicked Mermaids is just added on internally. If you don't want Wicked Mermaids then install the disabler package. If you don't have Island Living then WP should still work as well, just without mermaid features. Hope this helps clear things up!


After I put this in and my sim went to her acting gig, I got LE's like crazy. This pastebin is only a quarter of what's in the file. Any ideas? Thanks! https://pastebin.com/cungEGbc


Thank you for the LE Kels! I don't see anything that points on my mod but it looks like it may be an error with a townie generation or overhaul mod. Let me know if this helps!


My toddler is a mermaid by inheritance and she is getting the depression from this mod for no "tail time". But toddler mermaids don't have tails yet :( I haven't been able to remove the buff via UI cheats or MC Command either.


Is it normal for the customer blacklist to not work in the game? after I update NWP to new version, something going weird. Before I update NWP: Male bisexual male prostitute guests: Male - 80% Female -20% Gay Male prostitute guests Male - 100% After I update NWP: bisexual male prostitute guest female -90% male -10%, gay male prostitute guests still female -90% male -10% I try to add all female sims to blacklist, but they're still showing up at phone call. and, When I active my mermaid sims, game will be very very gig. but the most weird thing, there's no LE log pop up in game.


Oh yikes! Everyone was telling me on release that children couldn't get tails or be mermaids so I assumed it wasn't an inheritable trait! Looks like I was misinformed! In the next update I'll remedy it. Thank you for reporting the bug to me!


Hey Lolidrop! I don't remember making a customer blacklist, where are you seeing it? What version of WW are you using, it's possible that it's attraction system is overwriting my gender identity system. What do you mean by the game getting very gig? Thank you for your support, hope we can work out whatever is happening in your game!


Sorry for my bad English Skill. it's solicitation blacklist from prostitution settings. I'm using the newest WW patreon version and NWP version. I mean when I active my mermaid sims, when they transform and swim at pool, game will be very lag.


Yes, it sounds like I may have to take another look at mermaid tattoos. Have you tried my WW hotfix to see if it solves your laggy ocean troubles? Try setting your WW attraction to gay to see if it returns the calls to a all of the some gender again. I'll have to investigate the blacklist some more tomorrow, just getting offline now.


I thought the tattoos bug isn't NWP's problem so I delete that part. Cause I remove all tattoo CC has used torso top layer and use no scripts mode still have some tattoo problem with mermaid. but thank you reply with me. Yes, I tried WW hotfix but still has some laggy troubles. but not in ocean, was in pool at town when the weather was cold. I test and test again. yes, only laggy when weather is cold. and mermaid didn't get mermaid own cold resist buff until a while after laggy.


Oh! Nisa! I try to set my sims attraction to hate female,and then no more calling from female. thank you XD


Hey Lolidrop! I saw you in the discord! Thank you for the reminder about the WW pregnancy bug. Can you try installing my optional disabler package (which will disable my wicked mermaids), does the lag problem still exist with the disabler installed?

Kwangyeol Baek

Disable_WickedMermaids.zip What is it?


It's a optional package, I imagine some people won't want to play with my changes to mermaids, for those they can install this and play with base game mermaids instead. If you don't have IL however then it shouldn't matter as mermaids won't be loaded anyways.


Yup, there will likely be many expansions made to mermaids so I titled this as part 1 to make that clear. I don't know how many 'parts' there will be but I'm having a ton of fun modding them right now. If you would like to follow development closer then I very much suggest joining the discord. Next mermaid update will come with a bunch of fixes plus what I'm calling a 'water retention system' which will keep your sim wet for some time after being in the pool/bath (and decrease at a variable amount depending on temperature). So your sim will no longer go from swimming to burning instantly when getting out. I'd also like the next mermaid update to come with my first reward trait, hydrophile. Which will make water cling to mermaids longer along with some other devious things.


Does any of this actually have to do with sex or is it just mermaid buffs? Is there an option just for mermaid sex scenes minus all the rest


Hey Lani, Thank you for your support. I will not individual toggles for features, definitely not in the early days in any case. My mermaid modifications are pretty intense and to 'toggle' something would require a game restart. However something like this is a possibility for the future. This initial release is just bringing features from my original mermaids over to the IL implementation of mermaids. I find a lot of things need to be worked on with mermaids including filling out the life state more to allow for more interesting sexy features. However, I am interested in looking at enabling mer-tail sex while TURBO is away and am entering the planning stages for this. With how the tail is configured, just applying it to normal sex acts probably won't go over so well as the tail is tied to just the left leg bones. So we'll probably need to make a system to support custom mermaid sex animations. I've started talking with an animator to figure out the best way to go about this.


Hi Nisa! Thanks for your all work! I disabled mermaid part and run game a day, looks running fine now.


I overall love this update. But one thing about it I don't like is the +2 Playful Moodlet a Mermaid gets when swimming in the ocean. And the Moodlet is a long lasting one as well ... I like to play Mermaids "close to legend" i.e. Loves Outdoors + Off the Grid + Child of the Ocean. On the home lot she is constantly on the verge of laughing herself to death.


Hey BL4DE! I'm not sure how I missed this notification, thank you for your support and I'm sorry for the late reply! I agree. The +2 playful moodlet causes lots of gameplay problems and it will be changed in the next update. I tried replacing it with a +2 confident moodlet but this causes that weird confident walkstyle just way too often, so I'm probably going to change it to just a +1 happy moodlet.


Hello! I'm getting this LE upon gamestart, I didn't change anything and it worked fine yesterday, do you know why this LE keeps coming at me? (Uploaded to lastexception.com) Nisa's Wicked Perversions Mod Warning Warning of potentially outdated Wicked Perversions mod relative to WickedWhims. Mismatch of versions between the Nisa's Wicked Perversions mod and WickedWhims mod will cause severe issues. Make sure the WP mod supports the WickedWhims mod you're using. This is just a warning.


I'm using the LL version of WW btw


Hey angelica thank you for the support. That site always says this for my mod. Is there any chance you can use a free no account needed service such as pastebin to send me the LE. I have an update that's just around the corner from being released.


Hey Nisa! Love the mods, but I'm noticing that my whore is popping out a lot of mermaid babies that are suffering so much all the way thru childhood. Is there a way to suppress the fun mods until my kids are teens? I have the Patreon version for both you and Turbo, if that matters...


Hey shoeterfly! Thank you for all your support. I'm aware about this bug and I have a bunch of fixes coming out with the next update including a water retention system to make dealing with the heat more bearable and a hydrophile reward trait. I'm aiming for a release by the end of next week. I'm sorry for the delay, it took me a while to notice the bug because so many people were telling me that 'kids can't be mermaids' and I don't play with underage sims in my game often so I didn't realize they were just talking about the tail! A hotfix will be out soon!


Hi maybe I missed something but where do I download the latest WickedPerversion files?

Professor of Wumbology

Is there an original/base WickedPerversion file? I downloaded this content update and I also have the latest public WW mod on my game and everytime I open it, I am getting an error from your patch. Is there an original file that I need to download?


Hello! I'm sorry your experiencing some troubles. Could you please send me your last exception [LE] file so that I can see what error you are experiencing and recommend fixes? You can use a free, no account needed service such as https://pastebin.com/ to send me a link to your LE file or you can link your Patreon account to your discord account to join the mod’s discord server and send me the LE through there if you wish. I look forward to seeing the LE!


Hello! Thank you for your support. This is the latest version of WP. If you do not have the island living expansion then WM will simply be disabled or if you do not wish to use my WM modifications then please install the optional disabler package instead.


Thanks a lot!


I am not sure what is going on, but today when i tried to travel the game froze and wouldn't go past the loading screen. When i took out this mod, i could travel again. I tested each mod and everything worked until i put this one in again. I really am confused as to why it would break now, when i have been using it fine until today. Has anyone else seen this?


Hey Sarah! Thank you for your support! There is likely a 'silent' last exception file being generated when your game hangs like this, could you check your The Sims 4 folder for an LE and either send it to me on discord or on here via a free, no account needed service such as pastebin?


Hey, is there a reason why the Tam Explorer tab isn't showing up on the computer in the game anymore?


Hey Erika! this typically happens when the mod is installed incorrectly.  Please pay special care to how deep you place my files in your mod folder.  Script mods can't be further than 1 subfolder deep from the root (Mods) folder.   This means 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is okay but 'Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods / Some Folder / NisasWickedPerversions / files go here` is not.  Also make sure you have the latest version of WW and Basemental drugs installed (the latest public/free versions are fine too) and if you are getting any Last Exception files (called LEs for short) then please send them my way. Thank you for your support!


Hey, I keep getting last exception error upon launching the game I'm not sure what's wrong. Can you help? Ver 2.1.1a at Time: 07/21/19 18:03:40 on Windows with WW and Basemental Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\WickedPerversions\NisaK\utilities\hazard_detector.py", line 40, in wrapper File "E:\\Python3_7_0\\WickedPerversions\NisaK\utilities\data_handler.py", line 455, in load_json_file File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Lib\json\__init__.py", line 296, in load File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Lib\json\__init__.py", line 348, in loads File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Lib\json\decoder.py", line 337, in decode File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Lib\json\decoder.py", line 355, in raw_decode json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)


Thank you for the LE and your support Paige! This is a uncommon bug where my mod's save data (not your games) becomes corrupted. Going to your The Sims 4/saves folder and deleting the WickedPerversionsMod folder should clear this bug up. My mod's settings will be reset to default but you are then free to set the settings however you want again!


You're awesome! Thank you so much :) Love your mod

janice simpson

Hi Nisa. How are you? I was thinking. would it be possible to set a time frame for the prostitution mod. like, like you can set it for 10 sim hours or 4 hours, whatever time you choose? And , what about after a while the prostitute develops a loosey goosey trait and the client gets the buff. something like that. You know what I mean right! My god, I love this mod!


Hey Janice! I'm so sorry for the late reply! My apartment was without utilities for a few days so I wasn't able to be on my computer or work on my mod during that time (everything is functional enough to be back to working on the mod now, however). Setting a custom time frame has been suggested before. There may be a jury rigged way of going about it but the 'correct' way would be through the drama node tuning (drama node is the thing that schedules calls for sims), the only problem with the 'proper' way is that it has to be the same for all sims. As I continue to develop the prostitution features I'll keep a look out for a better method to go about this. The next major features for prostitution will likely be sex automation and/or a prostitution skill. The skill will likely come first. And then a reputation system which could create gossip about a prostitute being 'loose' because of all the known men she services. I hope this helped to answer your question and thank you for your support!

janice simpson

yes as always! I can not wait!


Hey Nisa ! love your mod but it keeps giving me a LE can I send it to you so we can figure out why? Thanks so much!


Hello Danielle! I'm sorry your experiencing some troubles! You can use a free, no account needed service such as https://pastebin.com/ to send me a link to your LE file or you can link your Patreon account to your discord account to join the mod’s discord server and send me the LE through there if you wish. I look forward to seeing the LE!


i think i did it right lol heres the link https://pastebin.com/vd8JFYDJ


Hey Danielle! This worked great. This is a uncommon bug that seems to pop up a bit more around update time with my mod's (but NOT your game's) save data.  Simply go into your The Sims 4/saves folder and back up the WickedPereversionsMod folder before deleting it.  This will reset my mod's settings to default (which you can then setup how you wish again, but it should clear the error.  If by chance it doesn't, which is even more rare.  Then try deleting your sims 4 cache, delete the folder again, and then start a new save.  Verify no LE, save the new save.  Then load your old save.  But this second method is very very very rarely ever needed.  Try the first method, it works 99 percent of the time for this bug!


Will your mermaids conflict with Spinningplumbob's new mod?


Hey Jennacide! Thank you for your support! I think it's more than safe to use his mod for now. It sounds like he is using something called overrides which are easy but have a high likelihood of conflicting with other mods that modify mermaids, my use of injections however make things very unlikely to conflict. It's just a future version of my wicked mermaids will cover what his mod does. I'm just getting the basics out of the way first (which while basic are actually the more challenging changes) such as adding in full seasons support, a water retention system, and a scaly legs auto applicator (which will be in the update i release before the end of the month) and then I move onto more daily living parts of the mod like being able to pee in the ocean, enhancing their singing powers, etc. But by all means try it out. My mod is very unlikely to conflict with other mermaid mods and if it does then there is a good chance i'd patch my mod to be even more compatible.

Crystal Long

Hi, maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but how do you download your WickedMermaids, or did you update it? Every time I click on Content Update it sends me to your Succbi, and I'm not looking for that. I already downloaded that. Is there anyway you could point me in the right direction?


Thank you for your support Crystal! I'm sorry for the confusion, please only download the latest version of my mod, the one you mention. The latest version has all previous updates rolled into one, that means as long as you don't install the disable mermaids package that I link to in every release, you will have the Wicked Mermaid features. Let me know if you have any further questions!!!!