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Hello friends! That's right, it's dev diary time. Let's get right into it.

Progress on 0.4

This week we've passed a bit of a milestone for this update. All the planned, necessary mini-storyline content for sports has been written. To sum up, all four sports now have coach and teammate characters, unique practice events, game events for both spectating and participating, and some storyline progression leading to encounters and erotic stuff. Whew, was that a lot of work!

It's not all I had on my list. I have some events outlined that have less to do with individual sports and more just interactions with jocks and such around the campus (or as one of them). I finished the individual sports stuff a bit quicker than I expected, so I'll get to some of this over the weekend.

But mostly, for now... sports stuff is actually about wrapped up!

Professor interactions

Now it's time to move on to the other big chunk of 0.4: professor interactions. I don't think this will be quite as much work as the sports stuff. I know, famous last words, but here are the planned event sets:

  • After class and office hours: These will probably overlap some, since you could end up having similar conversations in both contexts. The main difference would be that office hours would be a player-initiated thing, while it could be the professor asking the player to stay after class for discussion or some sort of punishment.
  • More class events having to do with the professor. Not sure how many of these we really need or how many I'll write, but you should definitely be able to tease your professor in class a little, stuff like that.
  • Assisting an art professor: I bet you can guess what this might involve!
  • Assisting a psychology professor: They have a certain research project they could use a student volunteer for.
  • Volunteering at the clinic: FKU isn't a medical school, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a nursing program, and those students gotta learn somehow.

In addition, as I said last week, I want to come up with more specifically characterized professor archetypes and distribute those roles amongst the faculty, so that particular professors will react to you in consistent, specific ways. Your more timid professor will react differently to your advances than your hot, young, hip professor, and that'll be something of a tiny storyline itself.

My goal with any major content update is... well, to add a lot of content, but also to build frameworks. Once 0.4 is done and out there, it'll be comparatively easy in the future to go back and add a new sport or a new professor storyline without it having to be a whole new major update. For example, I have a bunch of ideas about wrestling and about a photography project with a different professor — the work I'm doing now means those can be added as mini-updates sometime in the future.

Next week

So to reiterate, the essential sports stuff is basically wrapped up. Next week I'll start with a little bit of coding and backend work, adding new professor archetypes, working out exactly how office hours work, stuff like that. Then I'll get right into writing events.

Just to give a vague estimate, I'm looking at a December release. It can be hard to estimate exactly how long something will take until it's outlined down to each individual event, and even then, the possibilities tend to multiply once I actually start writing. So don't hold me to it, but I think that's a pretty decent estimate. As with the previous major update, supporters like you will get a week or so of early access.

As always, another progress report is coming in a week. Thanks for reading, and thank you for your support!



Awesome, this is a game I never knew how much I wanted. :) Really happy playing the game as it is so far and super excited to hear about all of the updates. Keep up the great work! And as a side note, it's really cool how much freedom players have around gender and encounters with various genders/sexes, thank you! Appealing to all of my bisexual interests lol


Thanks, I'm glad you like it! And yeah... not gonna lie, having all that freedom REALLY complexifies the project, lol. But I think it's worth it!