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Hello friends! Back to a proper dev diary this week.

The current version is 0.3.4. In the last week I've added piercings and tattoos and added some new events here and there. I'm planning to have another minor revision go out around Monday with a few more fixes and some additional events for the admirer and harasser characters. As always, you can get the latest public build direct from the website or you can play on itch.io.

The streamer update is done! Not to say I won't ever add more to it — I still have ideas — but there's been a lot of focus on that one area of the game for quite a while and it's time to spread the love a bit.

The smaller things

We are going to talk about what 0.4 might look like today, and there's going to be a poll, but I also want to take time to address some smaller things that don't really fit into any major update type stuff but still should get done.

  • Getting messy: This site doesn't always appreciate explicit wording so allow me to be a little circumspect. Currently, if you're walking around with something on your face, nobody reacts at all. I've been meaning to change that basically since release day. Also, clothes should maybe get messy.
  • More events: Just more stuff that can happen as you walk around in the world, or new events for certain areas like the quad party. People in the discord keep wanting me to add "more weirdos" on campus... I hear you!
  • More encounter stuff: More dirty talk, handcuffs and blindfolds, kissing, group acts... the encounter system still needs to be extended in several areas.

I could come up with more, but you get the idea. These things are too small to have their own place on the big update roadmap but they still need to get done, which means I need to make time for them. So, while I might start outlining the major parts of 0.4 as poll results come in, it'll be these smaller things I start with.

Possibilities for 0.4

I think with the next update it's time to get back to the core of the game and expand what you can do on campus. There are a few holes still (hello, Friday afternoons) and obvious college tropes that are going unaddressed. If you go back to the original roadmap, you'll see a number of things on the list that focus on campus life, so we're going to start hitting up that stuff. Let's recap.

  • Interactions with professors: Office hours, running into them outside of class, and especially the "I'll do anything for a better grade" trope... more ways to interact with the professors definitely need to be in for a full adult college experience.
  • Sports and activities: Football, cheerleading, swimming, wrestling, esports... characters should be able to pick one of these and it'll fill in their Friday afternoons with practice, and events on other days too. 
  • Afternoon/evening events: Adding two to three special events per week, things like trivia night at the dining hall, movie nights, study groups, and so on. These may or may not be super sexy (tho I'm sure I can find a way) but will help you build relationships with other students.
  • Unique class events: Eventually, the plan is for there to be a unique set of events or mini-plotline for each Block C and Block D class (those are the third and fourth courses you pick) as well as for each major (covering Block A and/or B). That would all be too much for one update, so my plan has always been to start with Block C and add an event set for each of those classes.
  • Seasonal events: Homecoming, halloween, spring break, and other major events that break up the year. They would give you something to look forward to and break your character out of their routine for a day or a week. Additionally, I'd likely try to work in weather and temperature and related events.

I think any of these things would be a good addition at this point and help the campus start feeling more alive. But what I'm going to do now is put up a poll (Teacher Assistant level and higher) and see how others feel.

In the meantime, I'll keep working on the other things I outlined, and next week we can start getting a real idea of what 0.4 will be. Until then!



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