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Hello friends, happy Friday to all who celebrate. It's dev diary time, and there's the next roadmap update to discuss.

But first: our current version is v0.5.1i. We've had a couple of bugfix updates this week, so be sure you're on the current version!

I've spent most of this week working on events for the librarian and the library basement. The library basement is for something, of course, and one of the things it's for is hosting weekly gatherings of doms and subs. These people are townies, but the librarian would like to start including trustworthy students, and that's where you come in. We start off fairly lowkey with you or one of your subs (depending on your inclinations) being on display throughout a group discussion, and, well, we'll go from there!

These events are a fair bit of work, with not only the usual variations based on body parts and whatnot, but also different branches depending on whether you or one of your subs is the subject. But I'm getting through 'em, and barring anything going wrong, you'll see them in the August monthly update.

Also on my list to get done for the August update... drunkenness/intoxication events (to lend some more consequences to this state), a revision/extension to books that I got the idea for a few weeks ago, and perhaps adding gifts into the relationship system. But that depends on how much I end up having time for, so we'll talk about that later!

The next roadmap update

Let's get to the big thing. The poll results show the River Rat expansion and job winning handily, though it doesn't escape my notice how much you all also want the strip club, the campus lake, the delivery job... well, frankly, you want everything, and that's fine! We will get to all of it in time.

My basic idea for the River Rat job is a branching path where you tend to either give in to customer demands and be a pleaser, or you keep control, instead leveraging the desires of your customers and fellow servers to boost the bar's popularity. This sort of sets the tone, and different events become available depending on how far you advance along either path. Naturally, we want both paths to include plenty of eroticism.

When I was planning areas of the game before release, I had plans for these River Rat events to be a path toward raising Dominance and Submission skills in the same way that the quad party, arcade, and QuickieBurger sets tend to build your Disinhibition and Exhibitionism skills. We've gotten some D/s content since then regardless, but my hope is that extending this location will fill in a bit of a gap when it comes to reliable D/s skillraises.

Narratively, your choices will have an influence on the River Rat and begin affecting its popularity. Promotions will come, including a stint as a bartender, and eventually you'll move into management. As the owner's trust grows, you can influence their decisions and where they choose to invest.

This is where the management sim stuff starts to come in. Do you want to steer the place into a high class experience, or do you want to make it a titty bar? Do you think you can convince the owner to add a stage for live music... or to install gloryholes in the bathroom? What about a uniform for the servers? I'm envisioning a number of upgrade paths that affect the bar's profitability, your pay, and the types of events you can experience there.

Over the next week, I'll be brainstorming and outlining all of this in detail, doing some of the necessary coding, and writing some of the establishing events, like getting hired and meeting the owner. I'm looking forward to being able to share more details and teasers are I start to properly get into this update!

For now, though, it's time to post this dev diary and get back to work on the game! I'll be back next week with the first progress report for 0.6. Until then, thanks so much for your support as always, it really does mean a lot!



I wanted to make a suggestion if you could please make it sometime possible to be the Star Quarterback so as a dominant Route in the football Team (for men and woman)

Nigel Darkling

Z did not make all the parts I hate, tell them that, even if it's something totally outlandish that they did.

Gina Jenkins

Along the road maybe for a new update you could turn into the bully and be super popular, i think that also goes with the dom and sub update I notice in the game the pc is usually the one who get teased or bullied throughout the game


Just another small suggestion/ask is a way to set a date with only two of your polycule. The whole gang gets cumbersome. Maybe if they interacted with each other? I cannot believe my guy came that many times and didn't die.