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There's a lot to explain, but I'll try to keep it on point, there's been a ton of new people joining recently and as much time it takes me to create sets, it'll be impossible to finish all of them in a month at this rate as it could take several hours to finish just one set. Again, I'm grateful for all the support, but I'll have to change some things in order to not get overworked all month,deliver all requests while also providing quality.

A) I'm thinking of capping the slots for maximum no. of members per tier for T3/T4. Hence, I'll be doing less exclusive stuff that gets locked behind higher tier paywalls and more for everyone to see. Because people are already getting their requests anyway. If you joined higher tiers just for exclusives, I won't hold it against you if want to unsub or downgrade tiers. I've only made like 3 exclusive posts so far anyway. The downside of this is, if someone takes a break from the sub and the slots are full you won't be able to join back unless slots open.

On the other hand, I can also keep it uncapped, taking a bunch of requests that will go in a queue, and take my time delivering requests over more than a month. Almost like commissions instead of monthly requests. That will mean some people will be at the far end of the queue and would get their stuff in maybe 1+ months (There's not that much backlog yet, but there could be eventually). In this case, you can safely unsub and let go of your sub slot any time and join back later any time as there's no cap, but a few people just might have to wait a bit longer. I personally prefer this a bit more atm but only if people are ok with waiting a bit more as well. If your set is getting delayed, you can just unsub instead of continuing again next month. I'll definitely send you your request eventually when it's done.

B) Finally, Going forward I'm closing requests for Tier 1 and Tier 2s EXCEPT for the people who are already subbed and have been requesting stuff from me. I'll not take that from you and I have a note of all the people who were subbed and requested every time. You can directly message me for your requests from now. I have means to track all those people so you won't get missed.

Except for Tier 1, Tier 2 requests closing, there's nothing finalized yet. So I'm open to feedback/other solutions if anyone has any. Please leave it below. Ultimately, I want to diversify content/characters more and do some of my own stuff with tattoos,templates etc without pressure.

===================== IMPORTANT: Tier Description Restructure===============

I'll also be restructuring the tiers for simplicity:

Tier 3:

Before: 2 sets, 12-15 Images each

After: 1 Set , 25-29 Images each (You can still split your requests into multiple characters)

Tier 4:

Before: 4 sets, 15-20 Images each

After: 2 Sets , 30-40 Images each (You can still split your requests into multiple characters)

This doesn't really change much of anything for existing T3,T4 subs in terms of image count but will hopefully make the job a bit easier for me in the future. Again, the image counts are just on paper, I've always overdelivered on the image count due to the amount of surplus that gets created so you can still expect more than what is stipulated.




I thought that by limiting members per tier, there would be less of a problem with overwork. What do you mean by cap? Further reduce the number of members per tier?


No,I'm not reducing from current tiers. As there's already enough members and monthly requests that it's almost hard to fit into one month. So either way I'll have to do something. Cutting out Tier 1 and Tier 2 requests helps. I'll limit it if it still blows up too much, but only so much as the maximum a set gets delayed is upto 1.5 months at most. I think that's still enough no, of requests/commissions that I'll be okay with while also not being overworked 24/7, and also enough no. of people who will constantly move in and out of sub slots to give others a chance.


I think is a good change. As you keep the quality of the works (is really great) I think is a good change to reduce a little the heavy work and keep the good stuff you make.