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It's been a difficult week for us but the little man has been amazing


Micky Race

James little one being amazing is the best news ❤️ that’s why I would never leave you!

Steve Cheek

Wonderful update , gave a great weekend ❤️

Michael Quigley

Love it James - keep fighting for these things man. Knowing you Im sure you did it in a controlled logical way Im sure the teachers get it and don't hate you 👍

Sam Atkins

James - really pleased for you all, it is great to hear. Glad that he is enjoying school and I hope he enjoyed his custard.

Andrew Jarvis

Brilliant news James! You guys have stuck to your guns and got a great result 👏👏 enjoy the weekend ❤️

Marc Ellison

Sounds alike a positive outcome James. Really pleasing news. Keep these updates coming!

Sherif Gabr

Respect. He deserves fighting for and you are great parents

Nat Chapman

Great news and awesome to hear the three of you are doing well ❤️