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On Harry's first day of school a solo Pod from James on his relationship with Harry, the story so far and challenges faced.

Pod is available to all Patrons


Tom Hiom

Listening to something as intimate and sensitive as that and it ending with “ANKARA MESSI” was so jarring it was hilarious 😂 I loved this and it’s clear you are both fantastic parents. Hope he settles in well at school and that we get updates down the line!

Shamil Gillani

What a lovely listen. Thankyou for sharing James. Love to you Katie and Harry x

Claire Easley

Beautiful James. Thanks for sharing 💙 x

Barry Allan

Totally agree with your sentiments, family and health always comes first. The majority of us will understand around content. We didn't have the same concerns at Harry's age but my eldest daughter's showed traits of autism for the last few years and was diagnosed as autistic this summer, she's 11 next month. She is also sensitive with loud noises and large groups, which makes school days vary on a daily basis. Like you, we've spoken to teachers and they do the best they can to support her. We've found noise cancelling headphones are really helpful when out and about shopping etc. Keeping to a routine is very important to her as well as not being rushed so we try to prepare in advance i.e. school clothes out the night before and if there's something new happening tell her a day in advance but not far ahead as she has anxiety issues and can start worrying months in advance of something. Similarly at bed time all her worries and emotions of the day can come out and we can be with her for hours at bedtime. Girls are very good at masking and appearing to cope all day at schools. She's incredibly clever and can be obsessive to a degree with her interests and cN talk.to us about them for hours. We also manage to take her to a Little Mix concert in a venue with over 10,000 people and although she was incredibly anxious on the way in and out, she loved the show so you might get Harry to Spurs yet. Sorry for the long response and as you say to others I'm open for any mental health issues. I'm not on Twitter any more so can't DM but hear anytime if needed. Lots of love to you and Katie ❤️

Amber Redmond

Amazing listen, how lucky is he to have you as a Dad

Seth Ryan

Thank you for this, got me tearing up. My son has a hearing problem we think, poor guy is reading lips. Has a hearing specialists appt in a few weeks. Def feel where you are coming from and the concern and worries you can experience. All we want is for our children to be happy and healthy.

Billy Hadaway

Thanks for sharing James. Glad to hear Harry’s a happy boy. I think as parents our child’s happiness is the best thing we can hope for 💚

Onyemaechi Dozie

Hi James, thank you for sharing. I appreciate your openness. All love from me to the family ❤️

Richard Kirk

Thank you for sharing,James - it was a fantastic listen. Much love, Rich


This was a fantastic pod James - as a Dad myself inspiring to hear others use their platform to talk about things like this.


Thank you for sharing James. He is lucky to have a Dad like you, sending my love to you and your family ❤️

Pierre Marchal

Thanks for sharing James. Got two kids myself, was moving to hear all that love, can relate to many things you said. I wish you all the best, much love to you and your family 🫶


Thank you for sharing James... this one really warmed my heart. Much love to you and your family plus the Planet FPL team 🥰