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Information for Intermediate Tier Patrons about the upcoming changes on Patreon


FPL Ronarid9

That confused me 😂 For now can I just continue to be in intermediate but change contribution to £9.50? :)


How did it confuse? 🫣 Access for Intermediate Tier Patrons to change to the £9.50 Tier will be available once we have updated the backcatalogue of Content. No need to do anything now (you can't anyway). We'll update when it's available

Pierre Marchal

Thx for the heads up James - found it pretty clear 😄🤷🏻‍♂️ I will move to Intermediate+ when you give us the green light. Have a nice weekend.

Ethan Hood

What a hassle! (for you guys) but well explained

Ian Churchyard

Thanks for keeping us updated James. Will sign up to intermediate+ once it’s available 🤝


Thanks James.. just listened to this and will move to intermediate + once you give the green light.. cheers