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Who are the Public Investment Fund, owners of Newcastle United? 

PIF beginnings, rebirth, government links, the insane net worth and how to do they compare to other wealth funds. Plus, the big questions answered and debated.... 

Should Newcastle fans feel conflicted about their owners?

Is there anything they can do to protest? Do they even want to!?

Can PIF achieve good/change?

Are we too far gone to care about state owned football clubs?

Are PIF secretly funding Clearlake's ownership of Chelsea?


Jon-Emil Steine

It's crazy how the Norwegian oil fund is worth basically doble of PIF


Great listen guys..was very interesting hearing about the various funds and how they function..interesting take from Suj about the rabbit hole we can go down talking about morality of these situations

Adie Torr

Another great podcast on Saudi Arabia and there wealth shows it won't stop. Would be interesting to know if they ever get bored of projects.