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An open discussion on what the perception is of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and why Western World views are often unfavourable despite political deals that are to the contrary,

There's facts on the nation, the importance of religion, the development of rights for women (though very slowly) and if they suggest change or are a part of Saudi trying to change their image. An image that has seen them face huge criticisms from Human rights activists, the LGBT community and many others.

Plus links to sportwashing and a reminder that not everyone is perfect and sometimes we also need to look at ourselves. 


Onyemaechi Dozie

An insightful take on Saudi Arabian football/politics. I do think the Premier League and the West have an agenda and it is seeped in the negative connotations with Islam. Having said that we cannot avoid and deny the heinous crimes committed but as you highlighted with the Khassogi murder the British are still funding the Saudi armed forces.