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Dear Patrons

I hope you are all well and looking forward to our return on Monday with the launch of Season 7 of Planet FPL. Before we go again a few updates for you.

Firstly a big thank you, I've had a great break which included a week away with Katie-Ann and Harry which was of course largely paid for by yourselves from the holiday fund you organised last summer. We will forever be grateful and your kind gesture will never be forgotten.

I'm ready to work now. Those who have been eagle-eyed and know what I'm like can probably guess there's been a lot of planning going on in the background and give or take the odd change/contingency I know our schedule from now until the Premier League season kicks off.

Part of that will of course include Correspondent Week from July 31st where I'll be speaking to all the Correspondents across 20 Podcasts. In a change this year Suj won't be on them but he'll be on all the Patreon Pods that week as part of a Correspondent Week Debrief which I hope will also prove useful to those of you who don't have the time for 20 Podcasts!

We will also have a dedicated week of Podcasts on the situation in Saudi Arabia exclusively on Patreon from July 10th so if you're stuck thinking next week, 'why aren't they covering it!?' …We're holding back a little.

There are also changes coming to Patreon following on from a lot of discussion between us and from the feedback survey so many of you (thank you) completed. Some are straightforward to explain, such as there will be more Money In Football Podcasts as many of you have requested, most likely in a regular Thursday slot and that will begin with a focus on the crisis at Reading on the 6th of July.

Other changes need a little bit more detail and context as they directly impact all of you, which is why on Tuesday we will be recording a Podcast which will be available for all Patrons, where we'll be explaining those changes which - unless met with universal condemnation - are most likely to come into effect from August.

That will include for the first time since we began Patreon, changes to the price of the tier levels. A decision which I can assure you is not being taken lightly, particularly at a time that we know is so challenging for many of you financially, and which is why we want to properly explain those decisions and why we're taking them to all of you on Tuesday.

What I can categorically say now is that for anyone who does end up paying more monthly on Patreon you will get more. We believe we have thought this through thoroughly.

If anyone has any concerns in advance of Tuesday or for any other reason as ever my DMs are always open. Even if you just want to say hello. Slack is the best place to get hold of me.

Have a great weekend and speak to many of you on Monday. We promise to be the best we can be.


PS: Expect some FPL prices on Monday (but you never heard that from me)




Hi James. It was great to meet you in Bournemouth and good to hear you had a great holiday. Do you have a link so I can join the Slack channel?

Ian Davies

I’m so glad you had a great holiday. You really deserve it after all the effort you put in to your content. Looking forward to the new format.


Likewise mate & of course https://join.slack.com/t/planetfpl/shared_invite/zt-1x0cn6iit-5ug7t_AG3jwyuNRb_SVa5Q