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Our final Podcast of the 2022/23 season is an open discussing about what we learned from the survey we sent out to Patrons (thank you to all of you who completed it!) about what you currently think about the content on Patreon.

It's an open discussion about the present and the future.

Thank you for all your support this season 💚


Andre Liggis

Thanks for everything guys. Enjoy your time off!

Shamil Gillani

Loved this. Feedback on the zoom bit you mentioned at 38mins. I didn't join because I thought it was if I had a specific question to ask 121,which i didnt. If it were a zoom call like we had before with multiple people then I would of joined. Maybe that's what people meant. That's what I meant anyway when I put more zoom calls. Love you guys x


Talking tactics sponsored by subbuteo 😀


Sorry I missed the survey I have just been so swamped at work, I wanted to give my thanks and gratitude for the content this year, happy to pay more for advanced here, my feedback is ultimately I enjoy listening, it feeds into my FPL, and I like the idea of supporting people doing what they enjoy